Hi. I was curious to how to get shiro'ken to spawn in Sunjiang District. I read it had to do with WoC quest line. Do I have to have Cleansing Sunjiang District quest active, or do I need to complete it? Thank You for any info provided.

Sunjiang District chest running.
Hey, it definitely has to do with the WOC quests, make sure you don’t have anything active. I am on vacation at the moment but if that doesn’t do it, let me know and I will check my notes at home as that is something I have run into for sure.
Maybe I just haven't found the shiro'ken then. It's only Am Fah that I've seen in zone thus far. Of course Ive only ran around in the zone a couple times because I had limited time and was reading that people mentioned having WoC active or complete..not sure which. Replaces the afflicted spawns with shiro'ken spawns.
Zones in WoC have 3 different stages.
1. No WoC active
2. Cleansing stage
3. Post cleansing
I dont know which leads to the spawns but you could just check with different characters, one that has finished woc to see if the normal woc spawns have shiroken and one that has the specific quest to see if it has shiroken spawns
Do WoC until you get the quest Cleansing the Sunjang District. From there leave from Zin Cu Corridor Outpost.... Go Right.... there will be 0-1-2 chests by the time you get to the named ranger Shiro ken room (You will be able to tell when the Am's begin if you keep going further) and then you can resign and do it again. Remember WoC has normal mode and hard mode depending on what you're doing and how far along in the quest line you are. Also, make sure your quest is active
Hey Loli, thank you for the info.
Do WoC until you get the quest Cleansing the Sunjang District. From there leave from Zin Cu Corridor Outpost.... Go Right.... there will be 0-1-2 chests by the time you get to the named ranger Shiro ken room (You will be able to tell when the Am's begin if you keep going further) and then you can resign and do it again. Remember WoC has normal mode and hard mode depending on what you're doing and how far along in the quest line you are. Also, make sure your quest is active
I know this is an older thread now but for future reference, it doesn't matter if you pass cleansing sunjiang, as all you have to do is get to memories of purity which is attainable after like quest 16-17 i think. Then the spawns will be with shiroken again and what not.