GW gear stat ranges
new min for q8
thanks Memet for reporting. truly the worst you could get: no inherent, just singlemod, mod lowest stats it can roll on prp -and ofc min hsr, min ene and min dmg for the req. lol
better luck next time!
New HSR for min stats on R9?
New minimum damage range on a req 1 purple staff. Old was 7-10
nice - a new max on a martial... not everyday that happens anymore! thnks!
Nice find, unfortunately that also means 2x q2 9-12 swords sitting in my very old low level collection are now on the hook.
Nice find, unfortunately that also means 2x q2 9-12 swords sitting in my very old low level collection are now on the hook.
It's a sad day for Q2 collections
New max q4 gold staff. Found while farming feathers.
Nice, so there is old pre nerf damage system, interesting. anyone know more info about this?
New record min spear q4
new record min
hi, not sure if this can help I hope yes, because I dont undestand the colors from the staff stats, why is blue? why is cream?
hi, not sure if this can help I hope yes, because I dont undestand the colors from the staff stats, why is blue? why is cream?
Staff table is top set for blues
No background for purp
Creamy with goldish text is gold
The ranges are different for white/blue, purples, and golds.
nice! not everyday we do still find a new max damage for a req! thanks to everyone keeping their eyes out on some new record holders! our list is getting better and better!
not sure if this can help.
new max for q3 gold staff -
new max for q3 gold staffWTB
new max for q3 gold staffWTB
it was a condi mod and got deleted as soon as i ided it sry
it was a condi mod and got deleted as soon as i ided it sry
RIP Q3 Boner dreams
Why would you merch q3 golds?
I think I got something new :o
I think I got something new :o
I don't see it :0
q8 highest dmg we have 9-40 and 10-35, whilst minimum is 8-21- so it does seem to me to be in the scope. do I miss something? thanks for posting either way
I think I got something new :o
I don't see it :0
q8 highest dmg we have 9-40 and 10-35, whilst minimum is 8-21- so it does seem to me to be in the scope. do I miss something? thanks for posting either way
Well for minimum q10 you seperated 8-31 and 9-30 so I assumed you might also do the 10-xx^^
Gentleman Xander aha. I did list the damage range that had the min min damage (8-31 in that case for min min damage
and the range for the min max damage recorded (9-30 for a min max damage of 30 on there) I do this in the same manner as for the max stats: I list the range for the max min damage as well as the range for the max max damage, because on scythe and axe they are not always identical. I see it might be a bit misleading... but shame on the gw devs - I am 100% sure we will have to keep two ranges listed since a 10-40 will never happen on a q8 or a 10-41 on q9. idk, if we should leave the mixed ones (min max or max min damage) out but I feel that at least on the 10-xx scythes and 7-xx axes there is interest...
Haha yeah it was a bit confusing but figured it’s always safe to atleast post it and see:p
Will keep it in mind tho -
Both max for their req
Both max for their req
WTSThis isn't a sell section, this is a keep track of stats section, and yes we know those items are in the current ranges.
funnily enough just yesterday I did also get a scythe drop q1 insc blue at the previously listed max 8-17.
gz gz gz gz dropped from what lvl foe?
Everytime I see a post in this thread I worry for my collection....
The merchant just got a few q1 scythes. -
gz gz gz gz dropped from what lvl foe?
This one dropped from a Level 10 Skeleton.
Everytime I see a post in this thread I worry for my collection....
The merchant just got a few q1 scythes.You and me both!!
Is there a scheme that only specific lvl foes will drop specific max req items? Like with q3 gold