Hello, I would like some clarification on the Domain Of Anguish.
1 - is there a 20% vs demon mod for scythe?*
i mean the mods: like 20% vs Undead bow / 20% vs demon Staff .. ect
2 - can demons take double damage with holy damage?
3 - does rank 8 of lightbringer increase by 40% against demons?
4 - is it possible to accumulate damage in this area?
rank 8 40% ~~ Holy damage ~~ Cracked armor ~~ 20% vs demon (if this mod exists?)*

Domain Of Anguish
1. There is no mod "of slaying" for scythe sadly. The list of featured weapons can be found in the link.
Of slaying - Guild Wars Wiki (GWW)
2. Only undead take double damage from holy damage afaik and as the wiki states.
Holy damage - Guild Wars Wiki (GWW)
3. Yes.
Lightbringer - Guild Wars Wiki (GWW)
4. I don't know for sure but I can imagine they will stack. Lightbringer, Cracked Armor and the weapon mod. But for the weapon mod (not scythe but e.g. sword), only the base damage will be increased, not the damage of your skills.
ok thank you for these clear answers it helps me a lot
Note that there are also shields which provide +10 armor against demons