• My friend has located one so he was wondering.
    How much

    edit1: Thanks. I'll see. I've put it in my wts thread
    Edit2: adding attachment


    *****mod edit---posts have been merged---you are allowed to post only ONCE every 24 HOURS in your own thread, if you need to comment before then EDIT your top post!--PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO READ THE XUNLAI MARKET RULES posted at the top of this section to avoid any actions against your account!!!---mod edit***

    Edited once, last by cosyfiep (September 11, 2017 at 5:09 PM).

  • i cant tell you much about the final price, but i can tell you that lots of ppl where looking for one. Put it into your wts thread and take your time, wait for the best offer to come around!


    ign: Katze Kami

    Edited once, last by hGt (September 11, 2017 at 4:21 PM).

  • cosyfiep March 21, 2018 at 6:19 PM

    Closed the thread.