Hey, nothing big here. I'm a casual player looking to buy a Book of Secrets in order to get a Spirit of the Forgotten, so if you have any of both... (or a SotF-like item in terms of stats ofc) c: Please I really need it c:
Even if you don't want to sell me one, may you tell me how much I should pay for it? Something like 8k right?

Book of Secrets / Spirit of the Fogotten
Lovegood -
July 19, 2016 at 4:28 PM -
i have a book of secrets which i can sell you, message me in game!
ign X Chilli -
hello,i have a book of secrets which i can sell you, message me in game!
ign X ChilliThanks! c: I never do stuff with other players usually so I don't know if we can do it if we're not in the same server? :o