WTB +1 Prot Exalted Aegis

  • Looking to buy a Exalted Aegis depending on the mods.

    Also looking for any req (max AR) +1/20% Prot shields with one of these mods:

    -2 w/ Ench
    +30 HP
    +45 w/ Ench,
    or any (+10 vs Fire/Cold/Lightning/Earth)

    Any skin is fine. Or if you have a +1 shield and don't know if I'd want it, throw a message here or in-game.

    Willing to pay quite a bit for a +1 Prot Exalted Aegis version, don't know if one exists though.

    The dream goal:


    IGN: Benevolent Arenir
    Discord: Arenir

    Edited once, last by Arenir (May 23, 2024 at 7:39 PM).

  • Arenir May 23, 2024 at 7:39 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “WTB +1 Prot Exalted Aegis & a Q9 E-Blade” to “WTB +1 Prot Exalted Aegis”.