13 - 1000a
Cue Eight Queue
2 800a
6 1700
3 175a
5 750a
13 - 1050a
13 - 1100
5 800a
8 800a
5. 850a
13. 1200a
13 - 1250a
75a composite bow, 850a hornbow, 200a platinum blade
420a fellblade
13 - 1300a
2 - 825a
2 825a
825a on #2
13 - 1350a
7 - 50a
13 1400
13 - 1450
13 1500
830a #2
btw 3 of you all bid 825 on it
13 - 1550
13 - 1600
Happy New Year.
Yes, this thread is still running and will continue on for a little while longer.
Feel free to bid here if you want something or pm trade offers if you prefer that.
Bump thing.
retract on zodiac axe, my arms went towards something else. Gl
2 - 850a
#9 composite = 80a
#2 875a
900a #2
Items with r/b met will be considered sold tomorrow unless there are further bids.
^ Bump ^
13. 1625a
13 1650
b/o chaos axe #2
145a #14
4-45a -
13 - b/o 2000a
1- 450a
500a #1
1 - 525a