Stuck loading - Anyone can solve this problem?

  • Hello everyone,

    I've been facing a problem for few months now and that is quite annoying...

    I get stucked (to 0%) load screens whenever i've spent like more than 5min in an area and I go to another.

    So, I log on my acc, load the first area, wait 5 min, change the area and get stucked load.

    If i change the area very fast, the problem do not occur. I have to relaunch my acc.

    I haven't been able to do any dungeon anymore, or anything that require to load areas one after the other... ;(

    The strangest thing is that sometimes, the problem just stop, and I can peacefuly play gw.. but no clue what has changed from the other loads.

    Has such a problem ever happened to one of you? Any idea of what is the cause of the problem?

    I use a multilaunch and toolbox.

    I'll try to tell you whatever I've tried to solve the problem :

    - Uninstalled and reinstalled gw completely

    - Stopped using multilaunch/toolbox for weeks

    - Tried to play on another computer

    - Tried to play fullscreen

    - Disabled the firewall/antivirus

    - I don't think that my connexion is the problem cause whenever I try with multi acc in the same area, some get stucked load, some other don't

    - Tried to figure out if the connexion IP was linked to the problem, but seemed not

    - When I wait for a error code to appears, it doesn't happen (even after 1 hour)

    I've tried to find other people with the same issue.. but never found one.. :D

    I haven't contacted gw yet, cause I can see them coming with the "You've been using Toolbox, yada yada yada.." .. but the toolbox doesn't seem to be the cause, otherwise I wouldn't be the only one with the problem! D:

    If anyone here know the problem and how to solve it, I would be sooooooo grateful to be able to play the game.. decently.. again :'((


    • Official Post

    only had that happen once...and it was quite a few builds ago. I know they have been doing loads of 'server maintenance' so some of it might be coming from that. Other than that, yeah, contacting them would probably be a good idea. (and mine was related to my dsl---they had changed some settings and my computer with old OS had issues....)

    :mouse:where is the 'all you can eat' cookie bar? :cookie:

  • Thank you FafaScinant for solving my problem !!!

    I actualy had to call my internet providor. They just changed my IP from Prived to Public. They said that it was often the cause of malfunctionning online games.

    So if you get the same issue as I did, just call them, don't wait 3 months before doing it :D

    Thank you for helping me, i'll be able to play gw agaiiiin!


  • cosyfiep May 13, 2018 at 5:44 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Stucked load - Anyone can solve this problem?” to “Stuck loading - Anyone can solve this problem?”.