Perfect R9 Sephis Axe & Serpent Axe, are these old school skins worth anything?

Perfect R9 Serpent Axe & Sephis Axe
Background Info:
There's a difference between oldschool skins and an "oldschool weapon", as "oldschool weapons" have no slot for an inscription, but an inherent mod such as 15^50 etc.
IF the Serpent Axe was an "oldschool weapon" and Tyrian (and not Canthan, as there's a slight difference that you can check out here: it'd be worth a decent fortune, but it's not.
Price Check:
These are still rather popular skins, so I'd say as it's both q9 with an inscription they're 5 - 25e, depending on the sellers need to buy one. You can check out further prices here, too:,
June 27, 2018 at 12:12 PM Closed the thread.