Due to the lack of interest in my shields I changed the formula to b/o only and the r/b's to b/o's.
If you would like to buy any of them or negotiate about the b/o, you can also reach me ingame (George Nance).
Q9 Tactics Ornate Shield +10vDemons/-2wEQ9 Tactics Ornate Buckler +10vDemons/-2wEeQ9 Tactics Celestial Shield +10vDemons/-2wEQ9 Tactics Plagueborn Shield +10vDemons/-2wE
Q9 Tactics Echovald Shield +10vDemons/-2wE b/o 70a
Q9 Strength Echovald Shield +10vDemons/-2wE b/o 1100eQ9 Strength Amber Aegis +10vDemons/-2wE
Q7/A11 Strength Bronze Shield +10vDemons/-2wE b/o 50e
Q10 Tactics Tall Shield +10vDemons/+30 > donated to a friend
Q8 Zodiac Longbow +14wEQ8 Eternal Bow +13wSQ8 Shortbow +15wEQ8 Longbow +15wS
1a = 58e
1zk = 1,2e