Ddraeg's Unreliable, Infrequent SpeedBooking
I'm offering unreliable, infrequent Speedbooking for free. I only have one EotN reputation Title left to max and I am speedbooking to achieve this. I am more than happy to bring along anyone else as I only need 3 heroes to achieve two of the missions and the other is fairly straightforward so we should be able to work something out!
Some things to note:
- I pick up 10 books at a time and run the same mission 10 times in a row before moving onto the next one.
- I am by no means an expert on these runs and some may result in failure.
- I am not running these consistently or repeatedly, I may do only a couple runs at a time.
- I am GMT based but my playtime is extremely limited hence why I am speedbooking and only playing in short bursts.
- Due to the way I am doing this you will not be able to AFK as you will need to swap the first book in your inventory each time a mission is run.
Hopefully I've managed to make it clear what I'm offering here and people might be interested in tagging along. I think the best way for this to be done would be to add me in game and send me a message if I pop up online and see whether I am running any books at that time.
IGN - Ddraeg Gwella