Both q6/13 armor gold tactics

Q6 Darkwing, Q6 Enameled -Close Pls
I know a q7/14 enameled being sold for over 40 arms recently, so you can't really guess how much you can get for these, as it's only a matter of finding the right buyer (I'd expect a bit less than the q7/14 ena price, but could go up to even 25a/ea, but as I said, you need some luck with people).
2. Bumping to close a thread.
Do not bump your thread to close it, simply edit the contents of your original post and put "closed" in its place. Bumping a thread to close it will result in an infraction.
(MY MISTAKE) Failed to read the policy. Sorry about that one.
**mod edit--you missed this part:
7. Maintaining and Closing threads
Closing Threads:
• Write CLOSED at the TOP of the original post.
• Do not edit the rest of the thread title to indicate the thread is closed. Leave it as is.
so please leave the title alone and just ADD closed to it--mod edit**
September 28, 2018 at 2:08 AM Changed the title of the thread from “Q6 Darkwing, Q6 Enameled” to “Close Pls”. -
September 28, 2018 at 2:41 AM Changed the title of the thread from “Close Pls” to “Q6 Darkwing, Q6 Enameled -Close Pls”. -
September 28, 2018 at 2:42 AM Closed the thread.