Minipet Yakkington

  • I got a mini yakkingot last week and i want to sell it really quick cause i need the money, i will read answears here but im active on GW1, if u wanna whisp me, one of my names is Hella Borto.

    thanks all and i accpet any offerm just whisp me.

    ***mod edit--do NOT bump your thread to close it! by doing this you are pushing an open thread off of the front page!--thread CLOSED--PLEASE read the Xunlai Market rules BEFORE you post again--mod edit***

    Edited once, last by cosyfiep: bumping to close, mod edit (December 15, 2018 at 8:06 AM).

  • cosyfiep December 15, 2018 at 8:05 AM

    Closed the thread.