Cleaning out my storage! Looking to sell these or trade for ones I don't have yet. All undedicated
Aatax, Cloudtouched Simian, Desert Griffon, Fungal Wallow,Harpy Ranger, Necrid Horseman, Shard Wolf, Siege Devourer, Siege Turtle,Temple Guardian (3), Thorn Wolf, Whiptail, Candy Marley, Freezie, Nornbear, Kirin (2), Ooze, Oola, Elf, Ventari, Flowstone Ele, Flame Djin, Bone Dragon, Eye of Janthir.
Will trade for / buy:
Abyssal, Abomination, Cobalt Scarab,Fire Imp, Dredge Brute, Ophil, Forest Minotar, Krait Neoss, Juggernaut, Kveldulf, raptor, Terrorweb, Windrider, Word of Maddness, Summit Hearder, Koss, Prince Rurick, Lich, Dagnar, King Aberdean, Zhu Hanuku, Mad King