PC q8 Righteous hammer 15wS and q8 Oni daggers 14wE CLOSE
Daggers ~5a
Hammer 20-25a
If you can get 20-25a for that hammer then sell asap. Somebody has a q8 15^50 listed with a r/b of 15a listed in sale thread since beg of July. Still hasn't sold.
Those daggers on the other hand...it looks like a 15^50 q8 is about to sell for 31-32a. So, a 14^50 should easily see more than 5arms. There's probably a collector for that skin, that wouldn't mind having a set of ^50 mods.
Legendary Lena I
August 1, 2019 at 9:06 AM Changed the title of the thread from “PC q8 Righteous hammer 15wS and q8 Oni daggers 14wE” to “PC q8 Righteous hammer 15wS and q8 Oni daggers 14wE CLOSE”. -
August 3, 2019 at 5:43 AM Closed the thread.