hey there. would like to get a pc on mentioned item

OS q8 zodiac axe
please -
kamadan.decltype.org does not have an entry for someone selling this item and I looked back in the "selling" portion of this forum and haven't seen anyone list this in the past 3 years (annoying to search so I didnt go back all the way/maybe I missed it?).
I did however see some q8 zodiac axes being sold. Q8 15^50 for ~50a and Q8 +5 for ~100a. 15vshex isn't as usable, but might be rarer? So based off that, might be less, but might be more than the before mentioned items depending if it really is rarer/there is a collector looking for it. Def would need some more opinions as I'm not even giving a solid PC.
thanks for that first of all.
yeah this seems like a hard to pc item
Nevertheless id like some more pcs on that -
my guess would be ~5a, higher if someone rly wants it
Tailing off my comment and above; thinking about it, it probably is lower than the 15^50 and +5 as its not really that useful. And it might even be ~5a, but would be sad if thats the case because that would mean the demand for an unobtainable weapon that hasnt been listed for 3+ years is worth the same as a random high req BDS (like a q11 illusion bds or something weird)
December 26, 2019 at 6:13 PM Closed the thread.