Hi i need price check for these shield please

Pc Shield vs unded or -2 ench
wooden buckler like 50e to the right peson?
shadow shield +58/hex 10vs undead = merch
shadow shield q12 50-150e
eternal shield q11, wanted mods ,but q11 str would seek 250e-500e for it
shadow shield q9 +56hex 10vs unded = merch
Another can valid their price???
wooden buckler - agree with above but would be a hard sell.
shadow shield +58/hex 10vs undead - agree merch
shadow shield q12 - I would say 50-75e. -5/20 not really desired especially at q12.
eternal shield q11 - agree. That's a nice shield
shadow shield q9 +56hex 10vs unded - agree merch
March 29, 2020 at 6:57 PM Closed the thread.