OS Items (Jug, Platinum Staff, Runic Axe...), req0 Scythe & more, looking for PC!

  • Hello, i'm asking anyone that has any experience on OS items, to PC these, if they could be worth anything. Thanks in advance, hf!

    Thank you on fast response. I guess i'll keep the OS items i like for myself then. I was checking on the Scythes too, but prices vary so much i cannot be sure what a real price could be. I guess around 10a then. Thanks

  • id personally merch all the OS items, jug might be few ectos but not many buy those but maybe worth posting sale and see if someone intrested

    I sold q0 scythe month ago orso for 600e, id seek someting like that. ive seen q0 8-17 sell even 15a in past

  • cosyfiep April 9, 2020 at 5:34 AM

    Closed the thread.