The GW1 Beta-Release from the Pre-Order Bonus Pack. Have you ever taken part in it?

  • Have you ever played the GW1 Beta-Release? If so what was it like?

    I recently purchased the Guild Wars 1, Pre-Order Bonus Pack (sealed) off of eBay and, since the code no longer gives you access to any of the pre-release content, I was wondering what it was like. If any of you guys took part in it, please let me know! :)

    I also made a video about the Pre-Order Bonus Pack. I'm curious if anyone got a different poster than I did. On the disk that came with the box, it looks like there could have been two different versions.

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  • Well i can say that there isnt alot of us beta players left... most of us was young i was 9 and a half during beta... but it was fun and everyone was made a gm so we could bug test so you could instantly map to any place from anywhere like you can with toolbox now but with a chat command including post to pre basicly was free range to do whatever we wanted for play testing