WTB Some Green Weapons.

  • Peace be with you,

    Call me Han for short to get my attention(Like how my father does) ingame and contact Han The Neon War if you have any of these items.

    Resolve, Shiro's Blades, Green Envoy, Thorgall's Shield, Victo's Axe.

    I will pay with z keys or celestial sigils(you can salvage them with an expert salvage kit for a gold z coin).
    Just a warning upfront I dont have much to spend atm.
    And I got 2 accounts perma banned recently.

    Yours truely Sumiko Aion/Lil Nub Sin. :heart:  
    Much love and may you all be nice to eachother and your pets.(Get your pets to play gw pls)

    Patience is a virtue....But if you want to rupt 1/4 skills and beat bots that virtue is not meant for us...

  • cosyfiep May 3, 2018 at 6:23 PM

    Closed the thread.