Posts by Enchanted Krystal
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CLOSE due to me being a dingus.
For me, the winning combo is stance sword & stance shied, regardless of the strength/tact dilemma. The answer is to get a +5e version to go with your other shield.
I chose a strength shield to go with my enchantments combo as there is no tactics version available. I still sleep very soundly.
To a new home it went.
Please close.
I have the Tengu Shield (from Bonus Mission pack) so I can try it out tonight if you still need to know.
A massive congratulations to Kevin & the Legacy team for making this happen.…cakes-from-fans :heart:
Without a doubt GuildWars has the best community in the wold!
Epic stuff brother.
But that Tetsubo makes me so hard... lol
Max are you planning to become a Haberdasher?
55a #6 & welcome back brother.
Rice has the only one that I know of & when I asked him many years ago if he would sell it, I think he said maybe if someone offered him 1500a for his entire chaos axe collection. In today's prices, that axe alone would command 3000a+ IMO.
Just my 2 cents.
Here are some my underappreciated items.
I don't know how to put it exactly, but there is something very satisfying about using a piece of your dead enemies body as your weapon. Especially when it's from a giant spider, as mostly everyone hates spiders.
The part I can't comprehend is WHY Photoshop the initial pic???? IF you just saw it ingame, how did you get the initial screen?
Anyways, it's mech food.
Those Mags took me forever to times tho. Glad you love them so much Max.
Fun fact, I paid 888e for the Q8 back-in-the-day, which was a LOT back then.
Right now??? Pffft, they are ALWAYS hot. Great work.
Glad I could find such a good home for that Eternal Ikki.
Epic stuff Kromp, Red, & Coffee!!
These are true one-of-a-kind items that we just don't get to see anymore....
One of the fondest memories I have from this game is shooting the breeze in Kamadan with Kabong & Surge, reminiscing & laughing about how we will still be here when/if the servers ever close. Let's hope they never will.
So much elite.....
Thanks for sharing this with everyone, these are weapons we just don't get to see ingame anymore.
Aww thanks man, it's the pinnacle of my collection in my eyes too & it means a lot coming from you who inspired me to collect in the 1st place. I got a few more hammers, even managed to get two Clouded Mauls, but not a scratch on your collection. Really nice to see you on GW Legacy too! Hope RL is treating you & your brother well.
To be serious, 15^50 Katana & Shinoi should be around 150-200a each IMO
Storm Bow 150a or more maybe?
I just sold my 15^50 Celestial Sword for 40a.
R/B added for the last two items.
Shining Blade FTW
Even in GW2
Bump, sold some stuff for nice offers ingame. Step up if you want something...
R/B will be added in the next few days.
Dope OS Q8/Q7 ~ *New items added*
Q8 +30/-2 Eternal listed if your interested.
Who's gunna step up & give these a new home?