Posts by Enchanted Krystal
Please close, alas, this new venture is not going to happen.
Req9 str spiked targe
-2ws<--- IGN
1 off q7 celestial shields are/were common. Nice but not mind blowing.
I'd agree with Expungnare but I can't se it being worth more than 100a max IMO. Maybe less.
just my 2 cents.
GZ Gent, Red, lauren, & Ivory, very impressive collections!!
Nothing new from me, but Guildwars still makes me smile when I log in.
100% with out any doubt, HIS shield.
#TheRealGodWalkingAmongstMereMortals -
Added lots more nice items.
Close plz
Love the new bows bro, sad they didn't come to me, but happy they fond an even better permanent home. GG
Q8-Q13 Naked Purple Crysta Collection
I would love to keep them safe for you, I offer my last 1000e and they can reside with the set I was given from Zeph.
I would not sell the FDS for anything less than 250a, GL trying to find another one. IMO it's worth more than anything else you have listed.
Nice taste mate, I wonder how long it took Zeph to put the set together that he gave me then. Hope you find another max Q8 as his is already customized.
It was me who sold coast the sephis also it was me who sold u other q8 +5e bramble!! :O x)Hahaha, then it really is a small world. It was Toad who 1st had the other Bramble & who let Max sell it to me! Yours def completed the pair tho. You got a memory like a white elephant Ikki!!!
This dual vamp shepis oO
Rly sad for the 1 missing damageCheers man I got it from Coast years ago, but unsure who had it before him. (Thanks Coast!!) There were rumors of a one off 15^50 floating around many years ago but i only ever found 1 other, the +14%we in the last pic.
Unfortunately they never dropped in Q7 Max, this was as badass as it got & it's just as rare.
Thanks to everyone for the kind words & keep your collection pics rolling in!!!
I would hazzard a guess at 500e+ but im not 100% sure tbh, but could be way more IMO. Everything nice is really exp atm.
After many, many years of trying to expand my collections the time has come for me to retire from active collecting & just enjoy what I have & the game itself.
I present to you all my beloved personal collections part 1, 2, and 3.
I still have to screenshot my inscribed & oddball Q7/8 Magmas Shields, Q8 Fiery Dragon Swords, & my current Zodiac Staff/Scepter archive, but for now my eyes are square & RSI is kicking in. I no longer wish to sell anything I own & as such I can no longer afford to buy anything else :D. A massive thanks to everyone who ever sold me anything, & know that I will keep & cherish these items until the servers shutdown(hopefully that will never happen).
Thanks to Zeph for donating his awesome nakedness into my collection, & I hope he is enjoying RL as much as he enjoyed GW.
Good luck & happy hunting for all you active collectors still out there! There is no feeling like the feeling of accomplishing a dream collection!
Sorry I cant help with exact pricing, but I know the 2 x butterfly swords 15^50 req8 are rarer than the q8 15^50 Wingbaldes so they will be worth more. GL & HF.
Q8 15^50 Dead Bow
50a now, & hit me back with w/e it will take to own it. I will not be reselling it, as you probably already know.
Welcome back Ikki, classy stuff as per usual.
Keeping with the Bow theme, here are the only two my ranger will ever need.
Cheers again to Toad & Max & Ikki for enabling them to reside indefinitely with me.
**RETRACT** on naked chaos axe
and whoever buys it plz don't message me as I would not pay 1 cent more than my previous overvalued offer of 10a. Anyone who does is being robbed blind xD
Cute axe. Pre hard mode it would have been a treasure. But I would wager a mere 50e seems realistic now. Probably the best non-q8 undead dropped physical weapon you could get. So yay.I 100% agree with Surge, maybe even a little more with some persistence.
Q8 Wayward Wand c/o ??? b/o 250e
B/O on Wayward wand plz
<--- IGN
Edit: Touche
Double-bladeds are really rare, that's why you don't see them so often I personally wouldn't sell it for less than 30a with the prices today, and tbh if the right people show up I wouldn't be surprised if it could fetch more...I would agree with that statement, yes.
Pffft max. It takes a real man to appreciate a nice staff.....
I agree with this statement 100% But on topic, yup, it's fake. -
Agreed with Surge, Max, & this new "Kromp" guy.
Max, they are not ALL noobs, it's only me who is the nooblet.
OP: list it for sale & prove us all wrong!! GOGOGOGO!! Now please close this pointless thread.
2. Scimitar Insc/Gold: q8 - c/o 30a
IMO this is a really nice Hammer, regardless of the 1 off max & purple coloring. I would be honored to own such a beauty.
I have only four, Q7 one off max damage hammers & axes, and they are super rare/hard to find. Q8's not so sure tbh.
Both side to the argument have merit, but I tend to agree more with Emma on this item. Call me biased tho.
I am not giving a price as I will be making an offer.
Your a long way from home, this is the price check forums.
q8 OS Battlepick 15%^50