I have a zodiac scepter q9 fire, 10%HCT, energy +5 (above 50%hp)
Posts by Kezia
3.12 Iridescent Aegis q10 Strength +10vsDemons +42hp wEnch
q10 amber +10 vs demons -2Wench : 1a
1a on the tactic one
10e for the other -
5. ornate buckler q9 tact -2 we +9 vs demons -- 10e
IG : Holy Kezia
1) Tac Reinforced Buckler +10vs Dems -2wstance c/o - b/o 10E
Other minipets:Kuunavang 600e -1000e /10a
Varesh Ossa
Asura 250e -400e
Ceratadon 15a - 25a
Destroyer 25a - 35a
Grawl Shaman 60a - 80a
Gray Giant 60a+I started my minis collections, and here are the price i found :
Kunaa is ~10a+
Varesh 5/6a
I agree with Asura, you may find one for 250/300e if you're lucky, but in fact it's more ~350e
Ceratadon ~25a
Ok with destroyer (but hard to find for less than 30)
Grawl ??
Gray giant 5a, sure it's not 60a ! -
O6 : 3a
q9 echovald +42 wench +10 demons ~ 1a
q10 amber +10 vs demons -2Wench c/o ~ 1a
q10 Shadow shield +10 vs undead +45 w/s ~ 20e -
Hi everyone !
I buy lot of thing but i don't sell, so my storage is full ! hahah
I accept ectos and arms if needed...
Low req shields
All are insc, unless specified
Sun and moon a15, q7 tact ~ co 40e
Skeleton a16, q8 tact
Hieraldic shield a15, q7 command
Goldleaf defender a14, q6 commandKournan defender a16, q6 str
Wooden chakram e+12, q8 dom
Zodiac staff q9 fire 20/10
Zodiac dagger q9 15ws
Zodiac septer q9 fire 10HCT/+5e^50
Envoy axe
Envoy staff (DF)
emerald blade q12
Minipet & Tonic
Grey giant (clean) ~co 300e
Destroyer tonic
I'll add rb or/and bo later !
See you
q13 Death Magic CC - b/o: 5e
q13 Channelling Magic b/o: 5e<ig : Holy Kezia
Bladed Shield q9 Tac -2^ench/+43^ench 100e
IG : Holy Kezia
pc on q13 bladed -2we/+45we ?
ty for help
q13 Tac -2e/+45e Bladed ~ 50e
This is the build i play with my necromancer atm
- Putrib Bile
- Icy Veins
- Necrosis
- Finish him
- Putrid explosion
- Pain inverter
- Signet Of lost Souls
- Masochism
12 / 12 Death / SR + runes as you wantI change PI depending on situations you can use :
EVAS if you want more damage for your target to die, Snipper can be very cool too
YmlaD if you need to KD / Cripple / interrupt something
Ebon battle standard of Honor / Wisdom are very good with a caster hero team
But most of time a prefer PI, if you use it correctly (on a good target) it's one of the best skill ever !And you can also change SoLS, if you don't need that much energy.
I don't like others SR / Deaths skill so i go 11+11 attribute, and then you can put 8 in whatever you want for a secondary profession skill
I like to use Fall Back, i also have it on 2 heros, so i can perma FB !
Rez can be very usefull sometimes (can stay 12/12 then)
Many other stuff depending on the mission / VQ / elite zone you are doing...Depending on the zone, i can assassin promise instead of icy veins (more single target, or really easy zone).
I also use a curse build sometimes :
- defile enchantment
- desacreate enchantment
- arcane echo
- spitefull spirit
- necrosis
- Pain Inverter
- Air of superiority
- awaken the blood
12+12 curses/SR + runesPI just like the previous build. You can use what you want.
Same for AoS, you can use anything else.
If the mobs die too fast (because of your heroes) and SS don't trigger, i use Feast of corrumption. (for NM content, and easy HM)
You can change arcane echo for anything, you may want to use fall back or rez.
40/40 curses is very good here !And finally i also tried this :
- Mark of Pain
- Assassin promise
- necrosis
- Finish him
- Weaken armor
- Barbs
- awaken the bloodi play 11/10/10 curse/SR/letal
Then i add a dervish hero in my team and i pop a legio
It's cool but everything have to be balled, so depends on the area, and have to manage a bit my dervish hero. -
Gothic Dual Axe q10 - 1e
2x Stygian Reaver q10 - 1e /ea
Storm Bow q11 - 3e
Hornbow q10 (Mursaat) - 1e
Dragon Kamas q11 - 1e
Celestial Shield q10 Tac - 1e
4x Kappa Shield q9 Tac - 5e /ea
Reinforced Buckler q9 Tac - 5e
Guardian of the Hunt q10 Str - 2e
Guardian of the Hunt q11 Str - 1e~ Total 37e
IG - Holy Kezia
q13 eternal bow ~ 1e
q9 ironwing flatbow ~ 5e
q12 chaos axe insc ~ 2e -
CC q13 Air Magic = 1e
Celestial Longbow = 1e -
q13 Tac -2e/+45e Bladed - 18e
Shields :
- Emblazoned Defender (Strength/Tactic x2) = 2e/2e
- Draconic Aegis (Strength/Motivation) = 10e/3e
- Embossed Aegis (Tactic x2) = 1e
- Magmas Shield (Strength x2) = 10e
- Celestial Shield (Strength x2/Tactic) = 3e/2e
- Guardian of the Hunt (Strength x2/Tactic x4) = 3e/2eWeaps :
- Stygian Reaver (x3) = 2e
- Colossal Scimitar (x3) = 2e
- Crenellated Sword = 2e
- Mursaat Hammer = 3eCCs
q12 Communing = 2e
q12 Fire Magic = 15e
q13 Protection Prayers = 2e
q13 Air Magic = 3e(if i let the quantity in bracket, it's because i will take that quatity
IG : Holy Kezia
(Total of 102e if i'm correct) -
Reinforced Buckler q9tac 10vs Undead -2wE ~ 120e
Q11 Tactics - Echovald Shield +10 vs Demons +30 Health ~ B/o 200e
EDIT : I just noticed that Festive Park already bidded on it
(in case he retract, i'm here !)
IG : Holy Kezia
3.2) Q11 Command s/b: 1e b/o: 8e
3.3) Q11 Command s/b: 1e b/o: 8e
3.4) Q11 Command s/b: 1e b/o: 8e5e on each
IG : Holy Kezia
os q11 +5e jade bow - 1e
q13 command draeconic aegis - 1e
os q9 15wE dragon kamas - 1eIG : Holy Kezia
Q9 Death CC - 40e
Q9 Curses CC - 50e
20/10 Staff Q9 Platinum -Domination - 15eIG : Holy Kezia
Dual vamp double gothic axe here !
IG : Holy Kezia
D-Shot !
(When you catch WoH in RA !)