q9 Storm Artifact +10vDragons Halves Casting 9%
q9 Fire Wand HSR 10% / HCT19% air
10e each?
q9 Storm Artifact +10vDragons Halves Casting 9%
q9 Fire Wand HSR 10% / HCT19% air
10e each?
9-53 bo 5e
9-28 bo 5e
inscr15 draconic scythe 20e for 1 please
inscr9 exalted aegis command 1
M8 dragon kamas 1
ign teh black knight
teh black knight
i like how you have to reply with a completely different name then i used. b/o q9 air dragon staff fk that guy.
ign teh black knight
25e q9 air dragon
teh black knight
5 arm q9 fds 15/-1
ign teh black knight
appreciate your time and thank you, you've done a few hundred for me by now.
i'll take this i only have a hundred i think ign teh black knight
if no offer on fds q13 15/-1 ill go 50e
hello there the reason i am responding to this thread is that i am interested in your item. this item i would like to offer a '2 glob of ectoplasms' that is two, ectoplasm. i am bidding on item Miniature Dagnar Stonepate of your items.
q9 Storm Artifact +1water 18% HSR Water 16%
10e on the storm artifact ? asking for a friend
ign teh black knight
To add to your guys mystery think of many Factions locations when you are near a chest and a group of Oni spawn on that chest and then you end up getting ie Oni Shroud or Blade etc... It almost leans me towards the possibility of them not being prefixed but determined at the time of opening, thats my only argument for that. So I can't really safely assume either.
b/o q9 storm art 5e
Do people still play this game?
Req9 Zodiac Staff 20/10 (Fire Magic) - 5e
q9 Zodiac Sword 15/-1 zeal 100e
50e q9 zodiac sword 15/-1
q9 Zodiac Sword 15/-1 zeal
R9, 11, 12, 13 Vamp FDS - To be sold as set. C.o 130e
150e.............. Can you read my posts?
150e FDS set
150e FDS set
c/o on vamp fds set? 100e
To even mention any kind of drama in a sell thread is a red flag i'll bid 100e if canthan.
Can anyone try mapping to say Sunspear Great Hall and running to Kamadan through Plains of Jarin?
Pyro I imagine your third set there has been tested, any hint as to what they are? very cool regardless.
Amulet of the Mists:
1 Available (3e)