Posts by tw1tchcss
Service Request Form
IGN -Teh Black Knight
Time Zone - Pacific Standard time
Hours Of Play - Daily 4pm-9pm; Wednesday + Thursdays Available any time.
Service/s Requested - Kurzick Package - 25x Drazach Thicket = 700e (50e Discount)
May be interested in this service twice if one can fall on Double Faction Support bonus week.
10arms q8 zodiac
26.5) Str Zodiac Shield +45 -2wstance
5 arms
i'll take the fiery dragon sword!
teh black knight
I seen you had made an attempt at another one of these but i also have recovered a Wroth's holy rod 2005 edition if you are interested just message me in game sometime
ixxl in flames ixxl -
lf os Storm artifact with
HCT & HSR with either or both earth 20%second mod can be 10% either HSR/HCT
pay with my life + gold...Also looking for q9 20% BELOW 50% FDS
q9 naked Zodiac Sword.
Teh Black Knight -
Q9 Fiery Dragon Sword Naked B/O 10e
ign Teh Black Knight
Celestial Sword q9 15^50 +30hp10e
20e 5.21 and 6.21
Q9 Zodiac Sword 15^Ench B/O 5e
ign teh black knight
Looking for specific weapon q9 only but would consider higher req if matched my stats
HSR Earth 20%
HCT 10%ples ign
Discount Code Alpha -
only first 4 item asking a s/b the rest are simply buy outs. Hope i can help! thank you!
s/b 1e
b/o -add soonThe rockmolder [SF Green]
illusion +1 20%
hsr 10%
s/b 1eDED Ceratadon
s/b 1eq13 OS Plagueborn Hornbow
14/1hr [vamp weapon]
s/b 1eq9 OS Bramble Recurve Bow
b/o 5eMiscellaneous Items
Diessa Chalice
b/o 42x Golden Relic
b/o 2eDeldrimor Talisman
b/o 2e32x Warrior Tomes
b/o 1e41x Paragon Tomes
b/o 1eEL Phantasmal Tonic
b/o 40eInscriptable Weapons
q10 Blood CC
b/o 20e
Q11 Blood CC
b/o 12e
Q13 Blood CC
b/o 5e
q11 Communing CC
b/o 12e
Q12 Channeling CC
b/o 10e
Q12 Spawning CC
b/o 10eQ10 Draconic Aegis [tactics]
b/o 15eq9 Tribal Shield[tactics]b/o 5e
q12 Exalted Aegis [cmd]
b/o 5eq9 Ghostly Staff [inspiration]
b/o 3eq9 Ghostly Staff [divine]b/o 10eq9 Astral Staff [ES]b/o 10eq9 Platinum Wand [dom]
b/o 5e
q10 Platinum Wand [SR]
b/o 3e
q10 Wayward Wand [ES]
b/o 5eq9 Wayward Wand [SR]b/o 5e
q9 Zodiac Scepter [ES]
b/o 3eq10 Mursaat Hornbow
b/o 3eq9 Celestial Swordb/o 5e
q10 Celestial Sword
b/o 3eq9 Colossal Scimitarb/o 3eq9 Flambergeb/o 5eq9 Fellbladeb/o 5e
Balthazars Sword + Hammer
b/o 1e
q10 Spiked Club
b/o 3eq9 Zodiac Hammerb/o 5eq9 Healing ankh
b/o 2e
q9 Air Staff [lightning spire]
b/o 5eInscriptions
3x 15^50 3k/ea
2x +5 3k/ea
15/-1 5k/ea15/-1 [focus 5k]
+10 vs fire b/o 1e
+10 vs earth b/o 1eUpgrades
Sword +30 b/o 1e/ea
Sword enchant b/o 1e
Sword +7 vs elemental b/o 1e
Vamp Sword hilt b/o 1/ea
Axe enchant b/o 1e
Hammer Sunder, +30 b/o 1e/eaDagger +30 b/o 1eScythe +30 b/o 1eSpear +5 b/o 1eFocus +30 b/o 1e
Focus Swift 10% b/o 3eFocus Aptitude 20% b/o 3eWand Wrap 20% b/o 1e
+1 Dom 20% b/o 3e
+1 Prot 20% b/o 3e -
90e Tormented scythe
not fugaziwithdraw my offer, surprisingly found in game.