I have q10 storm daggers
Ign: Barnard Gumble
I have q10 storm daggers
Ign: Barnard Gumble
Salient Sword
Bronze Edge
Fanged Sword
Vabbian Bastion
IGN: Barnard Gumble
5e ancient moss
Ign Barnard Gumble
Draconic command
Zodiac command
Spiked target str
Exalter aegis str
Ign Barnard Gumble
I have automatonic
ign> barnard gumble
New item: Mini dhuum
IGN: Barnard Gumble
EDIT: I will close this sale on monday and the mini goes to highest bidder
I will take the x00g-section [all q9 & gold insc] whole package: 10e
IGN: Barnard Gumble
I'll buy
Shadow Shield q9 str 5e
Scarabshell Aegis q9 com 2e
Tribal Shield q9 tac 2e
suntouched scythe q9 2e
windblade spear 2e
suntouched spear 2e
platinum sickles 2e
celestial axe 3e
IGN: Barnard Gumble
All inscribable and Q9
Avian Axe
Barbed Axe
Cleaver (Tyrian)
Crescent Axe
Dual Winged Axe
Dwarven Axe
Eaglecrest Axe
Gothic Dual Axe
Mammoth Axe
Morning Star Axe
Shadow Axe
Sickle (doubleaxe)
Bronze Edge
Dead Sword
Desolation Sword
Fanged Sword
Fiery Embersteel Blade
Kournan Sword
Salient Sword
Shadow Blade
Shining Gladius
Vabbian Scimitar
Clouded Spear
Demoncrest Spear
Forked Spear
Ornate Spear
Serrated Spear
Tribal Spear
Windblade Spear
Baneful Scepter
Blighted Rod
Blood Spore Scepter
Boneclaw Rod
Cloudburst Wand
Crystal Wand
Imposing Scepter
Serpentine Scepter (Inspiration or Energy)
Topaz Scepter (Domination)
Whalekin Wand
Avian Hammer
Glowing Runic Maul
Hawkeye Hammer
Ivory Hammer
Demon Tongue Scythe
Raven Scythe
Forked Hornbow
Ancient Moss Staff (Spawning or Divine)
Bone Staff
Divine Staff (Divine or Healing)
Earth Staff (crystallized)
Insectoid Staff (Soul or Energy Storage)
Raven Staff (Blood, Curses, Death, Domination, Illusion, Channeling, Communing)
Unholy Staff
Focus Items
Earth Scroll
Bronze Shield (Strength)
Crude Shield
Draconic Aegis (Strength, Command)
Eagle Defender (Command)
Exalted Aegis (Strength, Command)
Iridescent Aegis (Strength, Command)
Militia Shield (Strength)
Reinforced Buckler (Strength)
Shield of the Wing (Strength, Command)
Spiked Targe (Strength, Tactics)
Vabbian Bastion (Command)
Kanaxai's Axe
Bohdalz's Fury
Sadi's Benediction
The Mindstealer
Terob's Wand
Menzes' Influence
Shakahm's Striker
The Stonebreaker (wand)
Churahm's Wand
Tanzit's Defender
IGN: Barnard Gumble
r9 Holy Branch, 20/20 Prot
ign barnard gumble
ign Barnard Gumble
IGN Barnard Gumble
Chaos Axe Q9 15^50 OS ------> 50e
IGN: Barnard Gumble
r9 (str) Emblazoned Defender: 10e
r9 (str) Celestial Shield: 10e
IGN : Barnard Gumble
Req9 Zodiac Sword -=- 10e
IGN - Barnard Gumble
bramble blade 2e
ign: barnard gumble