Posts by Oni Mastermind
Bump. Added OS Q9 15% ench Celestial sword and OS dual mod q10 tac cele shield -2 sta/+1 blood magic
Today's cool drop. Would this get interest trying to sell? Not sure
Not bad! Still waiting to see a 20/20 celestial..maybe once in my lifetime
Bump. Added +5 celestial longbow
Yeah 1 pull. 20 mantids total. I learned the farm from Peter Kadar's tutorial on YouTube!
Didn't see something like this since they added loot scaling code lol. You somehow by passed anti farm code, or you didn't farmed them before.
To be honest I live on this farm. I log in and do a few runs and log off. If its favor and I have the time ill spend an hour there. This was probably 20th run in a row. I've never seen more than 5 golds drop at once!
All in one run?
Yeah 1 pull. 20 mantids total. I learned the farm from Peter Kadar's tutorial on YouTube!
Bumper carts
So close! I've been farming mantids for a long time and I've never seen a Celestial DV/dz drop lol
UP UP UP! Added some new items. 48h after any offers the item is yours!
I knew something decent was around the corner!!
It's been all daggers for me lately
Only real nice drop from mantids lately besides some 15^50 swords and bows..still waiting on a holy Grail shield or staff!
Today's sad story...
I dont see this skin often. It dropped naked. Naked Wolf Hammer.
One of my favourite hammer skins.
Not sure where does it drop outside Shing Jea island.
One of these was second ever dv/dz item I ever dropped, sadly can't remember which one was it exactly:
It dropped like a week after the first (War hammer, q10 15dv, spikey skin) and thus my collection was born
GZ on the drop
Nice hammers! I got it in a locked chest outside Naphui Quarter doing the mantid farm.
I dont see this skin often. It dropped naked. Naked Wolf Hammer.
During a MQ VQ got a Tormentor/Superior Vigor Yeti plating! As well as this interesting OS drop:
from an echovald vanquish:
also got a single-mod GotH from a chest that I didn't screenshot
Are Q9 os stance daggers the ones that fetch more of a value?
Yeah. I don't have access to the areas in Proph on my Dervish that I'd use as a runner 😬
If your dervish is a runner, couldn't you just... run there?
My plan is to play through the campaign on him instead. Haven't gotten around to it
Sick Summit drop! I've been doing all my farming on my Dervish & sadly I haven't taken him through prophecies. Your post makes me want to make it happen! I've been living at Mantids when I make time to play hoping for some holy Grail Celestial shield/staff/scepter drops 🕵️
You do see this is a chestrun right?:p
Yeah. I don't have access to the areas in Proph on my Dervish that I'd use as a runner 😬
Sick Summit drop! I've been doing all my farming on my Dervish & sadly I haven't taken him through prophecies. Your post makes me want to make it happen! I've been living at Mantids when I make time to play hoping for some holy Grail Celestial shield/staff/scepter drops 🕵️
Bump. Adding an OS Q9 15^50 Celestial Sword
Only had time for a few mantid runs before work today. 1 nice drop 1 almost decent drop
Todays hearthbreakers...
Oof 😬. I've been in the same boat with Celestial shields from Mantid farming. May the loot gods bless us both!
Todays drop
These shields with caster+ attributes are so awesome to me. Nice drop.
I think the GW gods have bugged my room.... Right as I actually said out loud "Where are my Summit Shields?!" After about 30 runs... This happens xDD
Hell yeah! 🛡️
BUMP. New Batch of OS goodies
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Oof, the heartbreak!
Another close to cool drop on mantids
The shield hurt my soul...the scepter was almost something cool! Mantid farming until i get some holy grail celestial OS q9's
os Q9 15^50 naga shortbow
os Q9 +5 energy Oni Daggers
os Q9 15^50 Archaic Axe
Thanks in advance!