Posts by Blink316
Buying r9 gold insc GGS
PM Dua Lipa
WTB Celestial Axe OS R9 E+5
WTB Gaki Stones 10 for 1a (need 50)
Pm Dua Lipa
40a Celestial shield
30a celestial shield
21a celestial shield
15a cele shield
unlucky, maybe the dragon shield is worth something, rest poop
bought ty
anyone know? thought they was around 30a, but had 2 people asking for 45a and 50a
bought ty
PC on this shield please? i also have a Storm Artifact 12 energy 8air, insc, but its purple, im guessing about 20e on that?
q9 OS Zodiac Longbow 15^50
q9 OS Zodiac Longbow 15^50
40e -
q9 OS Zodiac Longbow 15^50
25e -
BO aureate lamp 3a
Dua Lipa
storage char is full, feel free to buy some mods
Salvage mods that are worth selling, Fort/15^50. Blue shields are crafted, might get few ectos each.
Brass knuckles might get 5-10e if you find a buyer looking to do punchout
b/o s-20
IGN Dua Lipa -
bump, added dom froggy
ill give em a try, appreciated!
mods are like 2e/ea
bump, ill add buyouts for both tomorrow
Thanks. i have threw together a dagger build which ive done a few missions n vq with which works ok
always open to other fun stuff too.
the easier to use the better, this char is my 5th gwamm so i wanna autopilot lol, space c 1 2 3 4 5 -
heya, Buying Kath Hammers 6e/ea
buying a pair of Celestial Daggers OS R9 15^50
PM Dua Lipa, thanks! -
- Celestial Daggers q9 15^50 : 35e
ill take these if you still have them?IGN Dua Lipa
bump, added 2 new prenerf staffs
Hey all, im after a fun mesmer build to mix things up a bit while i do vq/easy missions. ATM im using /rt SoS which works fine but its a little slow. Anyone have a good dagger/scythe build or something else other than esurge/vor? thanks
bump, buyouts added for everything
close ty
can i get a PC on these 4 items please
hey, any active SC guilds recruiting? EotN Dungeons mostly. Thanks