Posts by negromancer15

    Setting up a team with Dhuum, Shiro, Mallyx and any god-like bosses would break the whole tournament, considering their amount of HP, energy and some broken skills that can obliterate the opposite team. I wouldn't even consider adding any boss to that at all, because it would break the competition.

    I like the idea of a team defending against 8 Armageddon Lord's (from Prop Titan's questline). Overall they are easy to rupt, but 8x Smash of the titans would wreck quite nicely. Not the strongest team that could be built, but the coolest for sure.

    So, I've noticed, that "your fav" threads has gotten quite popular lately, so as the title says, what is your favourite skin?

    Some will say, that they have several favourite skins, then let's make a hypothetical scenario.
    Let's say all items in Guild Wars, are to be replaced with new ones, looking nothing like the originals and you have a chance to preserve one of those skins from the change. Which one will it be?

    It can be anything that can be worn in hands, a shield, a hammer, a focus, a sword, can be a green, blue, white, whatever.

    I know it's hard/impossible to pick one, but try!


    My favourite skin is Shield of the Dead, a PvP exclusive skin (with an exception of Tanzit's Defender, a green dropped in Sorrow's Furnace):


    Guild Wars doesn't really have many large shields, cept this and SWS probably. I love the design, a large shield with a rather universal colour, badass spikes on the sides and those large, visible scars showing an actual usage of the shield. Pretty cool, surely the shield being PvP exclusive has it's pros and cons, but it's my fav anyway.

    Reapplied enchantments are based on the current weapon you are wielding.

    If you cast the enchantment on an ench weapon, its reapplied effect will draw bonuses from your current weapon, not the one that was used for casting it in the first place.

    After switching to a regular non-ench weapon, you will still have the skill effect icon from the time that you casted it first, so every reapplying will fill the skill effect icon to the time amount that's calculated from your current modifications put on it, on some occasions not to the fullest (ench mod isn't used anymore, you got weakened so -1 to attributes, or somebody used Atrophy/Wail of Doom on you and got your primary attribute to 0).

    Let's say you have 13 in Critical Strikes, then CA will last for 17sec, so 20,4sec with ench mod. So when reapplied with ench weapon, the bar will go up to its fullest which is 20,4, but when reapplied on a non-ench weapon it will go up to 90ish% (the amount of time minus the ench bonus, so the vanilla 17sec).

    It may sound all tangled up, so to simplify it:

    here is a GIF of reapplying when using enchantment weapon all the time, or not using it at all: (CA bar goes up to the fullest, when you land a crit)

    And here is a GIF of reapplying when CA was first used with an ench mod weapon, and further reapplied with no-ench weapon: (CA bar goes up to 90%, so minus the enchantment bonus )

    Hope you get it lol.


    "One to remove them all". With this iconic skill you can remove 7+ hexes/conditions. At 5energy/0,25sec casting time/10sec recharge PnH is still quite a viable skill. This skill is full of memories. Sadly it is not used as much as it was years before and now it rarely comes with meta, but I still love it and occasionally run it when I have a chance.

    I have seen both q7/15 and q8/16 blue Darkwings and most likely I have some screens on my PC (will provide them once I reach it). The owners of those shields claim they come from early eotn, perhaps preview indeed.

    My aim was to get q7 and/or q5 of both hence I farmed in NM. Which can yield all the req.

    I agree on q8 drop rate in hm, but that applies to blue only. Following that logic I would be able to drop at least one purple Darkwing/Enameled. So that's my primary worry. It must've been one hell of a coincidence to drop almost a hundred of both Darkwings and Enameleds and none of them being purple. Through many hours of playing in eotn I haven't stumbled upon a single non-gold Darkwing. That's why I wonder if there was no minor nerf changing the rarities after loot scaling nerf.

    I know of several low req blue Darkwings being around and most of the owners claim, that they bought it in the early eotn days. I've farmed low req Darkwing and Enameled for half a year now with no luck, over a hundred of gold Darkwings and Enameled, not a single one was of other rarity than gold.

    If you mean insc. q8 stuff, there is no particular place. Just places where monsters level can give a low req of any rarity. Though not all low req items can be dropped in gold rarity (e.g. insc Q7/15 SWS), and some drop only in gold rarity (e.g. Darkwing).

    When it comes to Darkwing there are several places:
    - Vaettirs in the Rabbit Hole
    - Chromatic Drakes (in Battledepths, head right when leaving from ctc, you'll find a group of drakes, further in that dead end you'll find more)
    - Whirling Whisps in Sepulchre of Dragrimmar
    - Imps in Varajar Fells, the ones walking around that lake, east of Olafstead.

    I won't wish you good luck, because to drop that you need more than a miracle.

    Hi, so recently me and a couple of other people went on the topic of Sea Purse Shield and I mentioned, that I'm pretty sure, that I had one or two Sea Purse Shield (I believe all were purple) drops in factions, in the very early days. Two other guys confirmed it, saying they had those as well, dropped them somewhere in the Jade Sea. I also found some old wiki and forum posts saying, that some people also found them in factions. Was the drop nerfed during loot scaling nerf or some other time? Or does anyone have any info on this?

    Your gut is right, 15/8 is a total junk so just merch them.

    q8/16 and q7/15 are used almost equally often, depends on preference, role, bar.
    Nowadays an average core blue q7 and q8 is 50-100e, depending on interest.
    I see all your shields are core, including Conch which is so common you can basically call it core as well.

    So both are 50-100e.