Posts by zushi
writhing focus 175e
3a 20/20 truncheon (if all matching)
yeah you'd rly want 20/10 staves to be q9 and no higher, otherwise 99%+ are merch food..
it seems almost every1 already has q9 celestial martials (os) lying around, theyre a hard sell I've learned..
just my thoughts
would not merch the ench ones myself. Other attri shields here have both mods nonmax so not much value (merch)
Storm Artifact----------q12 Air--------------Armour+5/attacking----Health+41/Enchanted
Storm Artifact ---------q11 Air --------------Health+41/Ench ---------HCT Curses 19%
Writhing Focus -------q12 Resto ----------Health +29 ---------------Deep wound -20
15e / ea
zushi sunrise
#1 - - Merch/hero, unless dualvamp or dualzeal q10+ are a difficult sale and unwanted
#2 - DUNNO, might be worth a little considering both mods max but really just little ectos
#3 - In my understanding there are some ppl who want postnerf maxdmg q8 martials, might be worth something decent
#4 - Someone might want for a collection, most ppl already have one of these probs so hard sale, wouldnt spare more than one piece myself#5 - Merch/hero, might beworth tiny if some1 needs for collection
#6 - merchfood, undesired mods
#7 - merch unless u find someone with a nonmax fetish similar to daggers, this is singlemodded so straight to merchant imo
just my takes gl
gothic defender, plag shield and cele staff are instant merch food imo
like 95% of 20/10 staves which aren't q9 are instant merch food (u need specific attribute and skin, then perhaps worth saving).
demon shields should be -2 while enchanted to even consider sparing non max demon mod..
just my thoughts, get more opinions and so on..
got the zodiac fire, pm if interested
prot one 50a+ imo, possibly more
super rare staff, being a zodiac skin and all (not ruined by botting). Very easily over 1000e imo, something something arms. But im not in the loop atm so take this with a grain of salt. Would not sell one like this under 1500e..
edit: agree with hgt & expugnare
#3 5-15e
#8 ye around 20e maybe less maybe more
q12 storm atrifact +10 vs LIGHTNING +30 hp
30e on this
Well here are already a few people who do not consider it merch food ^__^
Who says this bow was farmed? Maybe it dropped while the focus was entirely on sth else than farming a dead bow.
agree with hgt
Surely someone finds 10e a worthwhile amount., and surely someone finds use for dualvamp bows.
Sold all my highreq dualvamp bow drops so far for decent ectos (guru/legacy), and never merched one.
No, I'd never bother try to sell it at kama, but to paste item mods on a forum is a effortless sale ^_~
3a on 3.
20e on 1 (same)
36. 75e (same)
37. 7e (same)
40. 7e (same)
52. 7e (same)
172. 70e (same)
190. 40e (same)
201. 5a
236. 100e (same)
241. 35e (same)
243. 50e (same)
244. 5a
245. 2e (same)
248. 100e (same)
253. 5e (same)
257. 3e (same)
20e on 1.
2a on 3.
36. 75e (same)
37. 7e
40. 7e
52. 7e
172. 70e (same)
190. 40e
201. 3a
236. 100e (same)
241. 35e (same)
243. 50e
244. 300e
245. 2e
248. 100e (same)
253. 5e
254. 200e
257. 3e
36. 75e
172. 70e
236. 100e
241. 35e
244. 125e
248. 100e
10a q8 half moon
1. its a nice one but mixed staves arent that wanted from what I've gathered, someone could want that but no guarantee.. would def keep atleast for hero if I'd get a drop like that!
2. q9 20/10 os staves used to go pretty easily for 1-10e (or more) especially rare ones like Zodiac. Nowadays they're a though sale. Best chance when its a wanted skin/attr:such as fire magic dragon staff. DF aint as wanted in this case. U can always list it for sale here for minimum effort, should fetch a few ectos if someone wants it.
straw effigy is on the verge of something sweet but it needs a second mod desperately... id vote for 292gold..
id say the ironwings are merchfood, but no harm in listing em for sale if someone happens to like the skin for a hero etc. Market value suffers alot on martial stuff when its req10 or above. exceptions exist ofc..
^ just my opinions, hope it helps -