retract offers [too slow phase & no r/b's..]
Posts by zushi
60e on 14.
40e on 14.
50e for 1x gold q8 Frost Artifact
20e on 14.
zushi sunrise
Wands & Staves:
8e on 13. (same)
55e on 14.
35e on 17. (same)
15e on 19. (same)
10e on 25. (same)
150e on 26. (same)
15e on 30. (same)
Other offhands:
40e on 5. (same)
5e on 7.
10k on 14.
250e on 27.
Wands & Staves:
8e on 13.
40e on 14.
100e on 15.
35e on 17.
15e on 19.
10e on 25.
150e on 26.15e on 30.
Other offhands:
40e on 5.
200e on 27.
50e Writhing focus
8e q9com amethyst
ign:zushi sunrise
50e on outcast 2020
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some stuff with r/b met to be sold @ next bump
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added some r/b's etc
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40e on 4.
zushi sunrise
q8 demon idol 100e
retract - (misscheck)
35e blue lotus insc
req9 Voltaic Wand 20%Earth 5^50
A few items for sale. I reserve the right..
Happy Bidding
r/b unknown b/o unknown
r/b unknown b/o unknown
r/b 50e b/o unknown
c/o 100e r/b hidden b/o 750e
SOLD - thx!
SOLD - thx!
r/b 125e b/o tba
s/b 25e r/b hidden b/o tba
- - - Imperfect celestial elementalist set [20/19] - - -
SOLD - Thx!
q9 celestial longbow set s/b 10e b/o tba
q9 cele longbow duplicates:
+5e r/b 10e b/o 50e
15^50 r/b 3e
q9 Fire Celestial Staff 20/10
q9 Fire Zodiac Staff 20/10
q9 15^50 Ironwing r/b 70e
More items to be added in time. ign: zushi sunrise
200e amber longbow to start
5e blue lotus q8 Str
zushi sunrise
What's up peeps.
This the thread to let u know about the kinda stuff I will pay for:
+45wE +1/20% Shields
Attris I have:Death, Fire, Illusion, protection, Tactics, Domination, Inspiration, Air, smite
Anything missing is welcomed
No interest in shields with either mod non max. Must be +45Hp while Enchanted & +1/20% Chance.
Any Skin and req combo is welcomed.
Though naturally I will pay more for skins that are more rare or in my favor.
Air Magic
This mostly contains a ton of Storm Artifacts. I will pay for almost any dualmod Storm artifact, the better mod and lower req -> More value.
Dual Hexed Storms : Need +57 AND +60. Other mod needs to be 10WHexed (will take 9wH) pretty much any dualhex Storm is welcomed
ANY REQ 7 <- CAN BE SINGLE MOD, ANY 2 MODS <- Will buy (pricing will align with the mods)
ANY REQ 8 <- CAN BE SINGLE MOD, ANY 2 MODS <- Will buy (pricing will align with the mods)
Any Storm Artifact with atleast one HCT/HSR20 (can contain other attris) (must be dual)
No green Storms for now though
Also have interest in q8 Air Magic Wands and perhaps staves too. A 19/19,19/20,20/20 Air Wand is also needed. Just anything cool air stuff u can pm me.
Paying Well!
Restoration items
Anything interesting regarding restoration might get my attention.
Any prenerf.
Any matching Resto 19/19, 19/20 or 20/20
Any focus which is connected to restoration magic.
Writhing focus
Any Dualmod will most probably get you a few ectos.
Any 19/19, 19/20 or 20/20 (only resto attr, might consider other ritu if mixed)
Need Insc req:
8,9, 10, 11, 13 8 [Gold only]
Thank you for reading and be sure to keep an eye for these items!You can post on this thread, pm me on legacy or pm me ingame. Current ingame status: -inactive- (please pm on legacy)
ign: Zushi Sunrise
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last bump
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would def not sell zoddy staff like that under 30a or even more, especially since it's a skin which rarity isnt ruined by illegal farming methods and such [AFAIK].
dont see why cele would be particularly a more rare skin (atleast compared to zodiac), unless pleikki is referring to the attribute-skin combination
..just imo..
market will tell
Am not the biggest fan of warrior weapons but this drop got me really stoked today!!!
Since those deep/urgoz skins dont come in most desired attris (insc) dont think one should have to pay more than 1-20e <-- assuming u looking for insc waywards
really just depends on the seller at the end of the day, since playerbase is kinda low it might be hard to find specific items
dunno bout forgotten