Apparantly some of the stuff I have just lying around has some value for some reason, so if someone else is happier with it lying around on their chars I'm happy to sell those items completely tax-free 
Incribable items:
1. Crab Claw Maul (inscr, q9, gold) [+30hp, 20/20, 15^50] sold for 50e
2. Celestial Hammer (inscr, q9, gold) [+30, cold, 15^50]
3. Celestial Shield (inscr, q9 str, gold) [+28, -5/19]
4. Zodiac Shield (inscr, q9 str, gold) [+44^st, +1attri/20] sold for 15e
5. Lotus Shield (inscr, q8 str, gold) [+30, no inscr] b/o 350e c/o 20e - zaishen
6. Frog Scepter (inscr, q12 insp, gold) [HSR/10, +7e below 50%]
7. Golden Chalice (inscr, q8 ES, blue) [+4armor^50]
8. Diamond Aegis (inscr, q9 tac, gold) [45^st, -5/20]
9. Chromium Shards (inscr, q9, gold) [+1 attr/19, 15^50]
10. Celestial Sword (inscr, q10, gold) [20/19, +7armor vs phys, 20 below 50%]
As seems to be custom, I'll reserve the right to not sell an item if I feel like the bid for it is way below it's value.
I'll accept bids in gold, ecto, zkeys or armbraces.
I'll try to edit the current offers (c/o) in as often as possible.
€: For reference, I've had a couple of items PCed beforehand here (
€2: I am by no means an expert on prices, so if you disagree with the given PC for an item PLEASE let me know (probably best in the PC thread), I generally don't have a problem with selling an item a little below it's aleged value, but it's hard to judge priceranges if you only get the one PC