q10 curses os zodiac staff HCT curses 20% 200e ign derry monk......was a miss click on my end ment to be 100e but new offer
Posts by Sk00pZ
q10 curses os zodiac staff HCT curses 20% 10e ign derry monk
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500e on Purple q9 14^50 Crystalline sword
Purple q9 14^50 Crystalline sword 300e
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about 50e ish
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1 bds sold ingame
2 Summit Axe q9 os 15^50 C/o 25e in game
3 Chaos axe q9 os 15% ench S/B 1e
4 Exalted Aegis q 12 tacts +9ar v cold +27hp os S/b 1e
5 Gothic Sword q9 os 15% stance S/B 1e
6 Jade hammer q9 os +5nrg C/o 5e hGt
7 Sephis axe q9 os 15^50 C/o 2e Mordana
8 Dragon Kamas q9 inscr c/o2e kamedin
9 Oni daggers q9 os 15^50 c/o 4e Blink316
10 strom bow q9 inscr s/b 1e
11 sai q9 inscr s/b 1e
12 jade staff q10 illusion NAKED os s/b 500g
13 serpent axe q9 os 15% stance (faction skin) s/b 1e
14 Embazoned Defender Q9 Strengh Inscr c/o 2e Blink316
looking for a pc on these plz
q10 crystaline sword (purple) 17% below 50%
q10 cc prot 20/20 inscr