Posts by Doomster

    X899ouPJust got some of these as drops. Seeing if they are worth selling before I give them to the hungry merch.


    Sorry, pc is acting up.

    There is only 4/4 pictures. I updated the picture with q10 Oni Blades.

    ***mod edit--posts merged---you are allowed to post only ONCE every 24 hours in your own thread, any post before that is considered an early bump--please take the time to READ the Xunlai Market rules posted at the top of each of its sections!!!!!!---mod edit***

    Hello all, I've recently starting playing GW again. I've decided I'd actually gear up my heroes properly to perform Discordway correctly.
    I'm trying to create them a 40/40 set. I've gone to Vasburg armory and bought the focuses.

    Now where can I get the inscription of "aptitude not attitude"
    and a wand wrapping of memory for a wand?

    I've looked on GWW, and it only explains that I can unlock it at Balthazar and I can't buy inscriptions are traders(obvious.)
    It has a been a while and I can't remember how to get such things other then buying from other players.

    Thank You.

    I got this game back in 2006. My parents bought me Nightfall and my life changed forever, lol. I later purchased Prophecies. I noticed I couldn't keep up to date with all the new builds and speed clears. I ended up buying Complete Collection + EoTN and starting a whole new account in 2010. My life changed as I knew it back then, opened up to so much more possibilities.