Hey, If you still have minipets,
I will take them all,
IGN: The Wolf Auuu
Hey, If you still have minipets,
I will take them all,
IGN: The Wolf Auuu
Goldleaf 100e
IGN: The Wolf Auuu
Added Q7 Shield of the Wing
Militia shield 40e
Added some new Shields!
Enjoy biding!
Did anyone watch it Live ?
How was it ?
I coulden't be there..
Req 8 Tac Blue:
- Round Shield - SOLD
- Skeleton Shield - SOLD
- Great Conch c/o - r/b 100e
Req 7 Tac Blue:
- Militian Shield SOLD MOTOKO
- Skull Shield new c/o - r/b 1a
- Shield of the Wing SOLD
Req 6 Tac Blue:
- Round Shield c/o r/b - 100e
- Skeleton Shield c/o r/b - 70e
- Shield of the Wing new c/o - r/b 100e
- Ornate Buckler new c/o - r/b 70e
- Reinforced Buckler new c/o - r/b 70e
Req 6 Str Blue:
- Ebonhand Aegis c/o - r/b 10e
Req 5 Tac Blue:
- Skeleton Shield c/o 30e r/b 70e
- Ornate Buckler SOLD IN GAME
- Shield of the Wing SOLD IN GAME
- Sharktooth Shield c/o - r/b 100e
- Aegis new c/o - r/b 100e
Req 5 Tac Purple:
- Great Conch SOLD IN GAME
Req 7 Mot Blue:
- Eagle Defender c/o r/b 50e
Req 8 Mot Blue:
- Goldleaf Defender c/o r/b 50e
Req 7 Com Blue:
- Skull Shield new c/o - r/b 70e
Req 8 Com Blue:
- Eagle Defender c/o 15e (The Cutlass) - r/b 100e
- Skull Shield c/o 15e (The Cutlass) - r/b 70e
Req 8 Blue focus:
- Flame Artifact c/o - r/b 30e
- Healing Ankh c/o - r/b 30e
- Inscribed Chakram c/o - r/b 30e
- Jeweled Chakram c/o - r/b 30e
You can either bid on one shield or on the complete set.
req 3 blue:
- Sharktooth Shield
- Adamantine Shield
IGN: The Wolf Auuu
Still have the Black Dyes,
Up again
41 | Ornate Buckler | Tactics | 11 | Armor +10 vs Earth | 2^Ench |
20 e Deal
IGN: The Wolf Auuu
WTS 250 Black Dyes - 45 arms (x1left) (using trade moderator Emma)
Emma's Trade Moderating Service!
edit (merged by mod)
You can close this thanks!
***mod edit--do NOT bump your thread to close it, EDIT the top post (as I just did). This is a warning! Please read the Xunlai Market rules regarding closing threads and bumping!---mod edit***
Hello everyone,
As the title i'm buying the following tormented weapons for 50e/ea :
Tormented Axe
Tormented Bow
Tormented Daggers
Tormented Focus
Tormented Maul
Tormented Scepter
Tormented Scythe
Tormented Spear
Tormented Staff
Tormented Sword
Let me know your IGN,
Hello everyone,
I'm buying any shield that has -2^ench +10 vs earth,
Let me know Req and skin,
Thank you,
Lowered B/O on each items,
Action ends on 16.12.2017
B/O 50e on each item
Bump Bump Bump
[font="Hind, sans-serif"] 3.6) Wingblade Sword Insc (blue) - 20e[/font]
8.1) Gemstone Axe - 10e
11.17) Wolf Hammer - 10e
17.7) Bone Staff 20/20 Death - 10e
32.1) Tac Aegis Gold Insc - 50e
32.2) Str Lotus Shield Gold Insc - 50e
[font="Hind, sans-serif"]IGN: The Wolf Auuu[/font]
Lets keep it up guys!
Hello everyone,
Starting bid on all items 1e,
Feel free to offer,
Good look,
1. c/o - s/b - 1e 11. c/o - s/b - 1e 21. c/o - s/b - 1e 31. c/o - s/b - 1e
2. c/o - s/b - 1e 12. c/o - s/b - 1e 22. c/o - s/b - 1e 32. c/o - s/b - 1e
3. c/o - s/b - 1e 13. c/o - s/b - 1e 23. c/o - s/b - 1e 33. c/o - s/b - 1e
4. c/o - s/b - 1e 13. c/o - s/b - 1e 24. c/o - s/b - 1e 34. c/o - s/b - 1e
5. c/o - s/b - 1e 15. c/o - s/b - 1e 25. c/o - s/b - 1e 35. c/o - s/b - 1e
6. c/o - s/b - 1e 16. c/o - s/b - 1e 26. c/o - s/b - 1e 36. c/o - 25e s/b - 1e
7. c/o - s/b - 1e 17. c/o - s/b - 1e 27. c/o - s/b - 1e 37. c/o - s/b - 1e
8. c/o - s/b - 1e 18. c/o - s/b - 1e 28. c/o - s/b - 1e 38. c/o - s/b - 1e
9. c/o - s/b - 1e 19. c/o - s/b - 1e 29. c/o - s/b - 1e 39. c/o - s/b - 1e
10. c/o - s/b - 1e 20. c/o - s/b - 1e 30. c/o - s/b - 1e 40. c/o - s/b - 1e
Lowered B/O B/O 40e on each item
Action ends on 16.12.2017
IGN The Wolf Auuu - 20e
35 BD in pre for [font="Hind, sans-serif"]Ceratadon[/font]
As the title say,
I'm curious if someone saw any Q5 or Q6 Aureate Aegis in Guild Wars till now ?
And where would they drop ?
20e str Bladed
30e tac Bladed
IGN: The Wolf Auuu