This one's gonna work
Posts by Kabong
It can still happen.
Don't give up.
Here's to triplets 🍻
Agree with all the above. Like totally. Most items posted here don't really have "prices" nowadays. Allowing discussion, context, experience and history will make for better interactions and fuller understanding of the items presented.
Even saying "not merch food" or "too cute to merch" is helpful if that is a question in the poster's mind/post.
This is not to say that moderation in unnecessary. Attempts to buy, sell or trade should be rigorously excluded from the pc section. I'd say that names of potential buyers (including self or friends) should not be allowed in posts. That, along with any other arrangements for the intention of trade can be done in private.
Easy one: put the current location of online guild.members in the guild roster so we don't have to waste spots on the friends list to have this functionality.
Telling someone their item is NOT merch food is even more helpful.
Agree with agent. My first post was with the purpose of ridcule.
Edit: Buncha sourpusses around here. Lighten up. OS T. Jeez.
If yer gonbee in PhD leest spehl thyngs ryte, kkok?
Not a PC, just a reminder that there are plenty of people who collect 10vs shields, including -2/+10 shields. The lack of hp mod does not make these unsellable imo.
Good luck with your nature-themed collection. I think many people are looking forward to seeing it grow. Grow. Get it?
I am forever searching high and low
But why does everybody tell me no?
cosyfiep Plz close thx
Don't forget the hammer.
Spiked clubs may be the most natural-appearing of all the hammers, if you ignore the thorny parts.
Just sayin'. Great skin, too.
I like what you've got started and I'm sure I have a r9 insc spiked club around if you'd like it.
The collection thread is an important part of our shared history. In that spirit, here is an interesting portion of my hammer collection. Two skins, carefully accumulated over the years to preserve a link between generations: My favorite skin, Clouded Maul, side-by-side with Shining Maul, the favorite skin of The Herbalizer, who taught me so much about hammers. Please pardon the customization on my three main sticks - they have beaten many things over the years. Enjoy.
After waking up now and thinking more about the topic...i realised someting.
Because when u collect someting, u want more of the same kind
You guys like Swamp Clubs. I can tell.
But there is some silliness going on here that's a little off target.
One item is not a collection.
Owning a hammer, no matter the skin, doesn't put you in the most elite club in GW; wearing one particular cape does.
This is the finest collection of the rarest hammers in the game, presented to you from the vaults of [PhD].
In those vaults these relics are protected and preserved, unmarred by amateurish customization, for everyone to appreciate.
Perfection, each and every one.
50a swamp club
R8+5e zodiac hammer 70a
Chin up, Woo!
Some fine-looking bent sticks!
That last one will turn up! Someone get this man his stick!!
151e on the dual vamp pick
Funny, you told me c/o was 500e in-game.
Guess they retracted🙄
Right to do the same reserved.
17k ornate shield.
I regret I only have one thumb to give that ghostly earth staff. Tremendous.