Posts by Kabong
One shoulda been hammers😆
Earth gothic def 10e
I'll.take the domination cocka staff 2020 insp 7e.
Ign O Kabongolina O
2e earth plat wand
Thx for trade
R9 15/50 if you need
Too small and dark on my phone to see that.
And get your mind out of the gutter
Premature evaluation.
What skin?
5e pillar +5we/earth
3e each earth echo and skele
What skin warham?
Target earth hex 2e
**Mod Edit** Post edited. Don't derail threads, flame or troll.
Please read the Xunlai Rules and Forum Rules.
**Mod Edit** Post Edited. Don't derail threads, flame or troll.
Please read the Xunlai Rules and Forum Rules.
I can't wait to see other adulterated and otherwise fictional posts in the Museum. Clearly that's what it's for 🙄.
Sorry to resort to sarcasm but that's where we are.
My original point stands: A museum is for truth, history and context.
For me, the museum forum was supposed to be just that. A museum. A quiet place to display things and preserve the items and the history they carry, free of anything else. It's why this discussion isn't happening there.
If you think it's just useless repetition, feel free to not participate.
If, however, you are going to participate and do strange things, you can expect questions to be asked. There has been due respect and no flaming.
Oh, Coffee, I never said you can't own items customized by another. In fact in one of my posts, I said I do exactly that. That's not what's being referred to.
I mean, really. Put everything together for yourself, Coffee, and make a movie scene out of it.
Person B walks into a frame shop. Owner turns off his music and asks how he can help.
Person B unveils whatever masterpiece you can imagine with a signature in the corner.
Framer: Wow, what a beauty. I've read about this in books but couldn't imagine it ever coming to my shop.
PB: Ya, it's great. I want a frame that is almost invisible around the top and sides but 6 inches tall on the bottom
Framer: But that will cover the signature! Are you sure?
PB: Yes, that's what I'd like
Framer: How's about I insert a small glass window in the frame to keep the signature visible?
PB: NO, I'd like you to cover the signature so no one can see it, please
Framer: That's a very unusual request.
PB: I'm a very unusual man. If you can't do this work I will find another framer.
Framer: As you wish. But before we begin I just need to see the certificate of ownership.
PB: I well ummm see I kinda borrowed it from a friend, maybe? So I don't have anything like that.
Framer flips on "Walk" by Pantera and goes back to his chair.
I hope you've found this brief play illuminating.
Since you like Shakespeare 😉
It's more like person B going out of their way to scratch the artist's name off the painting before hanging it, which is a weird thing to do.
Love ya Coffee, but you missed some bits of this one ❤️
I'll keep this brief:
If you want to "consider" items custo to others as part of your collection and cherish them, that's one thing.
To post them on a "museum" as your own with the custo edited out is an entirely different thing. It's not right, and liking how the merch frames an item is no way to do justice to the item, its (former??) owner, or the history that led to the item being with you to begin with.
I own multiple unconditional items customized by another player. Again putting my money where my mouth is, they have been posted elsewhere, unadulterated, with a message of gratitude attached. Doing things that way honors the game, its history and a friendship, not myself.You search relentlessly for items. You should try to find some self-awareness and consistency along the way.
My 2 cents, and steering clear of other unanswered issues raised by Pyro:
To me, it's not entirely appropriate to present artifacts in a museum in adulterated form. Museum should be about truth and history and context, not editing those things to make snips look better. We've always believed in the importance of items carrying the history of the game.
Consistency between words and actions being important, please note my few customized hammers are presented as such in my museum post.