Posts by Hrwakka
Bump still looking for more items
(New offer )80e
***mod edit---NON-BID warning---if you have been outbid, you MUST make a new post--do NOT edit your last post!!---mod edit*** -
300e for Plagueborn Shield q9 Str 45/2 stance
I'll buy Gothic defender ty
Ign :Noble Lady Hrwakka -
#82 550e
#36 110e -
Bump need new items
Hi im looking for a price on my fresh dropped Q9 Cele Staff 20/20 water.
Any suggestions?IGN: Noble Lady Hrwakka :cool:
Pic of staff
thanks for pc everyone, I ended up getting buyer for 500e! -
q7/16 shield 40e
Bump to the top
Bump post, need more naked weps
bought new items
new shield bump
Hey im looking for a pc on my (blue insc) Q8 Greater Highlander Blade. Have been looking around for a price but still cant find one.
http://imgur.com/TXD7xs0 <------ Link of sword (cant figure out how to post a image of it on here)
Q8 Greater Highlander Blade (Blue Insc)
15^50 insc
20/20 -
bring to top, added new items to buy
250e ty
(ig- Noble Lady Hrwakka)
Hello fellow Guildwars players, im looking to start a new collection and finish some of my other item sets.
Here's a list of what I need and what I'm buying. Items in red are what I need to buy.
Q13 Naked (no inheret) Purple Crystalline Sword[I have q8-q12, now I just need q13 for this beauty set]
Q9 shields with +10vs creature +30 health (any skin)Need 1 of each no matter which kind of creature. Has to be q9 can be tac or strength but would like tactics if possible.
Naked Weps and ShieldsI'm looking for q10 and under for any naked weps, can be any skin as long as it has no inherent mod.
Q7 Naked Weps And ShieldsQ8 Naked Weps And Shields
Q9 Naked Weps And Shields
Q10 Naked Weps And Shields
Also if anyone has any shields or items that they would like to donate to my collection I'll be glad to take it from your hands and add it to mine! :cool:
If you have any of these you can private message me in legacy and im also in game at (Noble Lady Hrwakka)Thanks again and have fun! ~Hrwakka
Q12 crysta 50e, thanks
bump up
edit: sold q8 hammer 15a
****MOD EDIT---MERGED posts---you are allowed to post (bump) only ONCE in your thread every 24 hours ANY post you make is considered a bump!!! This is a warning!!!---MOD EDIT***
25e q8 bronze shield +41w/s -2w/s
bump up! new items
Bump up! Sold some
I'll post whatever I have for sale on here. Usually a new item everyday.
Tac Q8 Skeleton Shield +29 -2w/e (c/o none) (b/o 750e)
IGN= Noble Lady Hrwakka -
200e A4
Ign: Noble Lady Hrwakka
(Blue q8/12)Jeweled Chalice (Inspiration)(insc) c/o 0e -- --/o10e
(Blue q7/15)Sun and Moon shield(Strength)(insc)c/o 0e-- -- b/o 10e
(Blue q8/12) Hallowed Idol (Smiting)(insc) c/o 0e -- -- b/o 20e
(Gold q4/12) OS Reinforced Buckler (Blind20%/-2wS) c/o 0e -- b/o 50e
(Gold q4/12) OS Round Shield Air Magic+1(20%)A+10vs peircing dmg c/o 0e -- b/o 60e
(Blue q7/15) Spiked Targe (insc) c/o 50e -- b/o 125e
(Blue q7/15) Spiked Targe (insc) c/o 50e -- b/o 125e (have 2 of these shields didn't mistype)!!!
Ded Ceratadon 35e/ Unded Flowstone 2e/
Random weps-
q9 spatha (insc)(max) 10e //// q9 katana (insc)(max) 5e //// q13 crysta 200e ///q10 OS Eternal Bow 15^50,20%20 ,+30 10e //// //// Wintergreen hammer 5e ////
IGN~ Hrwakkas Shadowstep
[font="Thread-0000325c-Id-00000029"]Gold Summit Warlord Shield[/font] 10e
[font="Thread-0000325c-Id-00000031"]Wooden Shield 5e[/font]
[font="Times New Roman"][font="Thread-0000325c-Id-00000039"]Round Shield[/font] 5e[/font]
[font="Times New Roman"][font="Thread-0000325c-Id-00000041"]Reinforced Buckler [/font]5e each (want both #1, #2)[/font]
[font="Times New Roman"][font="Thread-0000325c-Id-00000049"]----------------------------------------[/font][/font]
[font="Times New Roman"][font="Thread-0000325c-Id-00000049"]Flamberge q8 (blue inscr.)[/font] 20e[/font] -
4e for destroyer
68 Please