Posts by DoOmBringer
sh30 2a
sh31 50e
IGN: Do Om Bringer
IGN: Do Om Bringer
#1: Q8 str Diamond Aegis -2we 20%Dazed.
C/o: 25a r/b: 200a
#2: Q8 Crystalline Sword +13we (Custod). (Do have name to go along with it.)
R/b: 200a
#3: Q8 tac Celestial Shield +29 -5/20%
c/o: 10a R/b: 100a
#4: Q8 str Celestial Shield -5/19% +27
R/b: 25a
#5: Q8 str Echovald Shield -5/20% +10vsFire
C/o: 10a r/b: 25a
#6: Q8 tac Wooder Buckler Disease 20% -3wH
R/b: 5a
#7: Q8 tac Celestial Shield -2wE +59wH
r/b: 5a
#8: Q8 tac Skull Shield -3wH +44wE
r/b: 5a
#9: Q9 Dwarven Axe (purple) +13wE
C/o 1a r/b: 5a
#10: Q11 Krytan Axe +13^50
C/o: 80e r/b: 2a
#11: Q8 Jade Sword +14wE
R/b: 20a
#12: Q8 DF Holy Staff (Prenerf) HSR 10% Disease 20%
C/o: 20a R/b: 20a
#13: Q8 Smite Smiting Staff (Prenerf) HCT 9%
R/b: 10a
#15: Q8 SR Bone Idol +9vsCold +45wE
20e on #16
20e on #18
20e on #82
IGN: Do Om Bringer
b/o on p2 please. ty!
(also pm me who bought p7 lol)
WB6 - 6a
RS5 - 5a
SS8 - 2a
BL39 - 6a
OB5 - 5a
OB21 - 5e
OB3 - 5e
OB4 - 5e
SW23 - 5e
BS10 - 5e
TS11 - 4a
TS13 - 5e
TS14 - 5e
TS15 - 5e
TS21 - 5e
TS26 - 210e
TS28 - 5e
TS31 - 5e
TS33 - 3a
IGN: Do Om Bringer
1a on s10 (reinforced buckler)
IGN: Do Om Bringer
d3 - 10a
(is d4 supposed to be plagueborn daggers?)
IGN: Do Om Bringer
OB5 - 5a
TS11 - 3a
TS26 - 3a
TS33 - 3a
BL39 - 4a
IGN: Do Om Bringer
A4 - 6a
PF - 3a
IGN: Do Om Bringer
#30 2a
IGN: Do Om Bringer
20e Zodiac Axe
IGN: Do Om Bringer
5a on RB2
IGN: Do Om Bringer
Crenellated +5e
Crenellated +5e 12a
51a crenellated
IGN: Do Om Bringer
hi, ill take b/o on dadao, dusk blade, zodiac sword, and ill offer 55e on jitte. ign : do om bringer
100e on dwarves magmas
ill take s/b on crenellated
11a on q8 crysta
5a on q8 eternal
ign: Do Om Bringer
Hi. I'll take b/o on plague sword, platinum blade, dirks, gilded daggers, and stilletos.
IGN: Do Om Bringer
Bump! Finally adding images afk for 2 days
10a Tyrian Cleaver
Bump! added a nice gloom.
50e on magmas
ign: Do Om Bringer
zodiac sword - 10e
ign: Do Om Bringer
Hey everyone, I really need help getting Shing Jea Arena mapped. I don't/can't finish winds of change to get there. I know this will take a decent amount of people to make happen but would be greatly appreciated! If you're able to help or want to do this also please leave a message here with your in game name, and we'll try and set a time for everyone to meet!
IGN: Do Om Bringer