Posts by DoOmBringer
i will take 1 draconic aegis for 1e. ign: Do Om Bringer
Bump! will be adding more this weekend.
Bump! New stuff added
ill take 7 blessings of war
ign: Do Om Bringer
ill do 10e on q9 15^50 jade daggers
ign: Do Om Bringer
BUMP. (sorry in the middle of a move)
600e on grape crystas (would like to bid on just the q8 but idk if youd want to do that, pm me) ign: Do Om Bringer
Bump! Wont' wait too long to sell
Okay, thread was too big. Took out everything that wasn't being bid on until things clear out. Added a nice Gloom.
IGN: Do Om Bringer
(everything is gold and OS unless stated otherwise)
Q11 tac Kappa Shield +10vsDemons +28
Q12 tac Bladed Shield -2wE +9vsDemons c/o: 2a
Q11 tac Gloom Shield -5/20% +10vsUnded
Q8 Magmas -53wh -3wh (Pre-Nerf) c/o: 5a
Q8 Magmas +27 c/o: 40e
(All Eternals Are Pre-Nerf)
Q8 Eternal Shield -1ws +36we c/o: 3a
Q8 Eternal Shield +38ws +8vBlunt
Q8 Eternal Shield DeepWound20% +8vTrolls c/o: 40e
Q8 Eternal Shield -4/17 c/o: 40e
Q8 Eternal Shield +36we c/o: 40e
Q8 tac Skeleton Shield -4/17 (Pre-Nerf) c/o: 40e
Q10 tac Skull Shield +41we +10vsCharr c/o: 10e
Q8 tac Exalted Aegis Healing +1/20 c/o: 70e b/o: 1a
Q12 tac Exalted Aegis -2ws +45ws c/o: 1a
Q13 tac Exalted Aegis +28 -5/20 c/o: 20e
Q7 str Celestial Shield -5/19 c/o: 100e
Q8 tac Celestial Shield +44we -3wh c/o: 150e
Q9 tac Wooden Buckler +41we +9vCharr c/o: 10e
Q12 tac Bladed Shield -3wh Fire+1/20 c/o: 15e
Q8 tac Bladed Shield -2ws c/o: 50e
Q9 str Gothic Defender -2ws +30 c/o: 300e b/o: 10a
Q13 tac Amber Aegis -5/20% +30 c/o: 10e
Q9 tac Amber Aegis -2ws +45ws c/o: 110e
Q10 Dual Winged Axe 15vhexed (Non-Inscr Elona Item) c/o: 10a b/o: 20a
Q8 Kukris +15vhex c/o: 2a
Q8 Ram's Hammer +15ws c/o: 50e b/o 15a
Q8 earth Earth Staff HSR Fire17% HCT Prot 15% (Pre-Nerf) c/o: 75e
Q8 restoration Shadow Staff HCT Fire20% (Pre-Nerf) c/o: 35e