I'm selling a bunch of my drops from the zaishen chest. I am located +1 GMT and mostly active in the evenings. I'm open to offers on everything - just be reasonable :). IGN: Miss Sarah Lauren.
Celestial Compass q11 Soul
Celestial Compass q11 Comm
Celestial Compass q12 Smiting
Celestial Compass q11 Illu
Celestial Compass q12 Illu
Celestial Compass q12 Comm
Amethyst q10 tac
Amethyst q9 Command
Amethyst q11 tactics
Shinobi blade q10
Fiery Dragon Sword inscr q10
Fiery Dragon Sword inscr q9
Demonic Aegis q9 Strength
Razorclaw scythe q9
Stormbow q9
Stormbow q9
Stormbow q9
Stormbow q10
Sun and Moon shield q9
Katana q9
Katana q10
Emblazoned defender q9 tactics
Dragon Kamas q9
Scarabshell q9 Command
Scarabshell q9 Command
Everlasting Boreal