Yes i just bought q12 for 75e ***mod edit--removed non-price check discussion--mod edit***
Posts by Crazedhealer
150a longsword
Round vs charr 150
R9 command aur shield plz
Ign crazed deathstrike
Bunp added tonics
20a peacekeeper
50 plague
15 plus oni plague
100 e gloom v unded
65a mursat ign crazed deathstrike
45a blade
**Mod Edit**
Trading or price checking items between gw and gw2 is against the EULA, and therefore not allowed on this forum.
Dhum soul reaper 175e
10 plus unded oni on plague shield q13
Ill take the curse cc
100e on q 11 oni 5e
ign crazed deathstrike
PC mamoth axe max gold q8 20w hexed
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