Posts by adderall
As title says selling unded polar
SOLD in game
60a takes it instant!
thanks guys, and stay safe!
20e on zod and bladed
10e for plag daggers
Bump - new shield
Echo 2 50e.
bidding starts at 5a -
as the title says would love and appreciate a pc
thanks in advance! -
Be advised the Guild leader of this guild will ask for "donations" or claim he is broke from a hack, same claims were done to multiple users and because they had big hearts they listened.
Just a warning to anyone in this ally/guild be cautious of this scammer
Scammer IGN : Illuminated Astria
Hi there Ign is Onyx Annihilation,
Just wondering if you guys do GvG, ive completed all pve aspects and would love to get back into some more pvp even if its synced RA. Not a big fan of HA seeing as its now henchman populated =/
otherwise pupu sounds great!