Bump, adjusted sold items.
Posts by S7ewie
Bump, added greens.
Returning player. No idea if these golds are worth anything or not but wanted to check before I merched them. I've no clue what the greens are worth these days..
- Rago's Flame Wand
- The Kindlerock
- Galigord's Rod
- Galigord's Stone Scroll
- Brimstone Wand
- The Brimstone
- Ghial's Staff
- Dwayna's Grace
- Wing's Axe
- Grognar's Defender
- The Shadestone
- The Mindsquall
- Villnar's Staff
- Staff of the Forgotten
- Kepkhet's Refuge
Bump. Price adjust. Need to clear this space.
Bump, slight price adjust. Feel free to make offers on minipets, need to clear space.
Ok so my best bet is hang on to anything max stat and PC it on here? Mercy anything that’s not max stat?
Okay.. so I can pretty safely March any blues / purples anyway? Unless they’ve decent mods on? But golds be a bit more careful with? Are there any basic rules like anything over a certain requirement is junk? I’m assuming anything that’s not max dmg and top mods are junk?
Ok great thanks
So what about general new loot these days? Purples golds etc? Are they just worth the value of the mods on them or are some of them still worth a lot for rare skins etc?
I been playing GW on and off over the years ever since prophecies released. Me and a mate have decided to return and play through all campaigns for nostalgia value. I never was very good at pricing things so i need a very rough basic guide. I don’t really know the difference between something valuble and junk.
As far as I’m aware, most drops you get these days are pretty much just down to the value of the mods they have on them? Or do really valuble things still drop? I assume it’s just the pre-nerf stuff that holds any real value (I might be wrong). If so, how do you tell? I’ve got several weapons on my account from 10+ years ago. I’m assuming most are junk but I don’t want to throw any away because I’m just not sure.
I’ve got a lot of green weapons too, are they worth anything these days?
I’ve also got a bunch of jade wind orbs which, supposedly, are quite valuble but it’s finding someone who wants them as they don’t have any use haha.
I could do with just a few basic questions to ask myself to decide whether to merchant something or to hold on to it.
WTB Zealous Scythe Snathe
IGN: Serenia Maelstrom
- Added some new mini pets
I have a Blue Fiery Dragon Sword, Fire Damage: 13-19 (Requires 7 Swordsmanship) sitting in my bank. Is it worth anything or junk?
Edit: Thought so, thanks
Jade Wind Orbs 3e (200e for all, total 73)
Nicholas Gifts 5e each (fixed rate) x20
Components 2e each
- Hammer Grip of Fortitude +30
- Bow Grip of Enchanting +20%
- Staff Wrap of Mastery +1/20%
- Sundering Hammer Haft +20%
- Focus Core of Valor +60
- "Cast Out the Unclean" 20%
- "Vengeance is Mine" +20%
- "Let the Memory Live Again" HSR 10%
- "Hale and Hearty" +5
UNDED Green Mini Pets 5e each (or offer)
- Eye of Janthir
UNDED Gold Mini Pets 2e each (or offer)
- Rurik x2
- Water Djinn x2
- Lich x2
- Zhu Hanuku
UNDED Purple Mini Pets 1e each (or offer)
- Burning Titan x1
- Charr Shaman x3
- Candysmith Marley x2
- Flowstone Elemental x1
Jora- Koss
Freezie- Ooze
- Everlasting Jora Tonic 2e x2
- Everlasting Dunkoro Tonic 1e
Greens (make me an offer)
Rago's Flame Wand-
The Kindlerock - 10e- Galigord's Rod
- Galigord's Stone Scroll
- Brimstone Wand
- The Brimstone
- Ghial's Staff
- Dwayna's Grace
- Wing's Axe
Grognar's Defender- The Shadestone
- The Mindsquall
- Villnar's Staff
Staff of the Forgotten (Ritualist)-
Kepkhet's Refuge- Gorrel’s Staff
- Wenslauss Faith
- Wilderm's Wand
- Kai's Sword
- Makdeh's Focus
- Tain's Corruption
- Murakai's Reaver
***mod edit--moved and fixed title--mod edit***
Thanks. I always forget about Nicholas. I’ve never really enjoyed trading. I used to love the solo farms and stuff because they were just fun and clever. No other games out there where you could do stuff like that
Hello, returning player here after many years away.
I can’t imagine too much has changed since I last played but how do people make gold these days? Back when I used to play I done a lot of running for missions and outposts but I guess it’s harder to find the customers now. I remember loads of solo farming methods but they all got nerfed. Did a couple of duo farms with a mate too but I think they were all nerfed. I also done power leveling for people.
Just looking for a few fun things to try either solo or with a mate. I never really got into speed clears because I never had enough committed people to do it. Need something more reliable.
Oh yeah I remember nicks gifts haha. I used to do them
can't remember why haha
Yeah I'm not that desperate yet :p
We're just looking for something we can do together that we can either duo or team with the two of us and the rest heros. Maybe we'll join a guild and get into speedclears but atm we don't want to have to rely on others or vice versa.
Sure we'll have a chat later
Thanks -
If I had nice stuff I would haha xD
I remember doing UW before skeletons and such. Are there many things you can still do happily with 1 or 2 people? Back then everyone solod because of the loot split, It wasn't worth doing things In a group. Presumably most speed clears require a full skilled team?
A friend and I have recently returned to GW after a very long break, planning on playing through all campaigns and such. Ran into a bit of a barrier .. we don't have much gold haha.
Back in the day we did a lot of UW duo and solo farming, most of which have been nerfed now. There used to be an amazing ecto farm that took about 5 minutes and could get up to 3 ectos I think? That was quickly nerfed. We also did quite a lot of running, power levelling and mission services, used to love doing the droks run but there aren't enough people around for stuff like that anymore.So what are the favourite methods these days?
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Jade Wind Orbs 3e (300e for all, total 112)
Components 5e each
- Insightful Staff Head
- Hammer Grip of Fortitude
- Hammer Grip of Enchanting
- Bow Grip of Enchanting
- Staff Wrap of Mastery
- Sundering Hammer Haft
- Shield Handle of Valor
- Focus Core of Valor- "Cast Out the Unclean"
- "Vengeance is Mine"
- "Don't Think Twice" x2
- "Let the Memory Live Again"
- "Hale and Hearty"- Everlasting Crate of Fireworks 10e
Mini pets 5k each (or offer)
- Burning Titan x2
- Charr Shaman x2
- Candysmith Marley
- Nian
- Jora
- KossMini pets 10k each (or offer)
- Rurik x2
- Water Dijinn
- Lich- Everlasting Jora Tonic 3e x2
Christ really?! What can you still do with them?
Returning player, having a bit of a storage clear out plus a couple of weapon components I need. Using the mini pet sticky but could do with some clarification. Any PCs would be awesome. Thanks
Year 1-5 Purple (According to sticky, all around 1-5K?)
Burning Titan
Charr Shaman
Candysmith Marley
KossYear 1-5 Gold (According to sticky, all around 7-10k?)
Water Dijinn
LichEverlasting Jora?
Various Normal and Elite Tomes?
Perfect Weapon components?
Main ones I buy are ..of Enchanting, ..of Aptitude, Adept, "Forget Me Not", "Aptitude not Attitude". But I have various other ones (including insightful and swift, valour, fortitude, mastery etc), worth selling or just dump?Everlasting Crate of Fireworks?
edit: Also have some Jade Wind Orbs? Are they worth anything?
***mod edit--we will remind you that you are allowed to bump your thread once every 24 hours and that ANY post you make in your thread is considered a bump---PLEASE take the time to read the Xunlai Market Rules which are conveniently posted at the top of each of the sections of the Xunlai Market!--- posts merged--mod edit***
****MOD EDIT 2---early bumps thread closed, please keep comments to price checks and not conversations!!!---MOD EDIT***