[T计an] is currently recruiting, not a massive amount, but if you're interested feel free to talk to myself or any of the members.
We're looking for a grade A personality, there's no skill or activity requirements of any sort, we're simply looking for new or old
members to hang out and hunt with.
We're currently part of an alliance with [MaG], [UBER], [TYTN], [SRX], [CC], [Pre:)] and some others, it's a fantastic, active pre-searing
based alliance!
our only rules are to mind your table manners and set high goals for yourself and the guild!
We're primarily a Pre-searing based guild however
our short term goals are:
-Acquire a silver trimmed cape Achieved!
-Become a positive driving force behind the Pre-Searing community
-Discover new ways of having fun ingame
-Make ourselves, and our allies a solid team that can accomplish any task
-Discover, and support our pre-searing economy
That's it. We're not looking for trolls, scammers or radical power traders,
but if you feel like you're a good fit and want to give pre-searing a try with some friends; give us a shout!
- Thanks!
our Pre-searing thread:
Find me ingame at "I Lord Arrow I"