Posts by St_Patrick
50e on magmas q10
10a on the demon plague to start things off
200e gpb
100e golden phönix
s/b on 16 outcast
s/b 200e
cele staff illu 60e
nothing more to say
#1 of enchant x8 (3e ea)
#2 of mastery x2 (5e ea)
#3 of attribute (3e ea) (prot, heal, divine // blood, curse, death // commune x2, resto // fire // dom)
#4 of species slaying (3e ea) (ogre //dragon // plants)
nice day to all
50e on the GoftH vs ogres
Hey lye,
pm me for the crysta q12
Ing : Famous Storage
plagueborn q8 +5e.. I bought one 2 months ago for i think, its still around that prize now, maybe bit more
shadow 15^50 q8 , nice, 40-45+ imo
shield, no clue
10a on echo demon we q11
150e on q10 Death Bo Staff 20/20 Curses
Ing: Famous Storage
i take the following ones
2x +60^hex shield 1e/ea
2x +30 hp bow 2e/ea
Ing: Die Knowing
also dann ma b/o jitte q9 +5e
Ing: Die Knowing
jitte q9 +5e 180e
q9 +5e jitte
80e on q9 +5e jitte
b/o on
forked q9 15°50
spatha q9 15°50
celestial q9 +5e
jitte q9 +5e 50e
jitte +q9 +5e 30e
celestial q9 +5e 30e
B/O on sunqua +5e and dusk blade +5e
Ing : Famous Storage
100e on #48 plagueborn recurve
B/O Fellblade q9 +5e : 125e
80e on # 1 outcast
200e on #5
100e A1 broadsword
#5 demon tall shield 250e to start
interested in b/o in both