Hello outthere,
Im interested in buying an OS Paper Fan on Fast Casting q9-13 with 20/20 Domination Mods.
Pm me here or ingame and we can talk about it.
Ingame: Spirit Of Orca X
Hello outthere,
Im interested in buying an OS Paper Fan on Fast Casting q9-13 with 20/20 Domination Mods.
Pm me here or ingame and we can talk about it.
Ingame: Spirit Of Orca X
T4 --- 1a
IGN: Spirit Of Orca X
Still looking
im selling a q9 Tactics Bladed +10 vs Demons -2w/e.
My Thread: RE: Perfect q9 Demon Bladed + Emblazoned
Iam searching for the following:
Celestial Scepter Domination req 9-13 Halves casting Time 20% and skill recharge 20%
in which order the Mods are doesnt matter.
A golden Shield with +10 vs Demons and +60 hp w/hex. Req doesnt matter. Just Pm me which Skin u have.
A golden Shield q3 Tac 11ar +10 vs Demons and a Second Mod (doesnt matter which one but should be max). Skin doesnt matter and in which Order the mods are doesnt matter too.
If u have one of these feel free to Pm me here or ingame: Spirit Of Orca X
F7 1a
IGN: Spirit Of Orca X
1a on Cele q9 Tac +60 HP w/hex +10 vs demons
Ign: Spirit Of Orca X
Last Bump...waiting for 2-3 more Opinions...
dem#9 2a
IGN: Spirit Of Orca X
Hello Guys,
I would like to see what some of my DoA Shields are worth these days.
Over the years i collected some and after i saw some Skins i never thought off are going high lets post some Rare ones.
Emblazoned q9 Tac +10 vs Demons -2w/e:
Bladed Shield q9 Tac -2w/e +10 vs Demons:
and now the Holy Grails for Collectors:
Outcast q9 Tac +10 vs Demons -2w/e:
Plagueborn q7 +10 vs Demons:
Plagueborn q5 Tac -2w/e +10 vs Demons:
Greetings in advance,
Does anyone ever seen a q9 Tac Outcast Shield +10 vs Demons +45 hp w/e?
i was watching the demon shield market alot but looks like i missed it. Does anyone seen it?
Thx in advance
11e on Signet Shield
IGN: Spirit Of Orca X
B/O on new11
IGN: Spirit Of Orca X
New11 - 50a
IGN: Spirit Of Orca X
New1 15e
IGN: Spirit Of Orca X
Demons wooden Buckler 50e
IGN: Spirit Of Orca X
B/o in 2020 Dom Cane
IGN: Spirit Of Orca X
31a 20/20 Dom Cane
IGN: Spirit Of Orca X
25a 20/20 Dom Cane
IGN: Spirit Of Orca X