hey i would take ur service and have some questions
Posts by DefenderOnWar
is a 2.5k Trim in Stock still ?
Hey people! Is a 2500 trim left for sale?
IGN: Made Of Ecto
Hey people!
I am looking for an unded or ded miniature oni pet , please offer me with your prices
IGN Made Of Ecto
Hey guys, anyone got an idea for a Defender of Valor Q8 Strength purple inscr -5^20% hp 30? and a strength celestial Shield inscr Q9 ?:=
****mod edit--we will remind you that you are allowed to have only ONE open thread in each of the Xunlai Market section at any time. You must wait 24 hours before bumping a thread. You must wait for 24 hours before creating a new thread and remember to CLOSE your older thread first---PLEASE take the time to READ the Xunlai Market Rules which are posted at the top of this section!!!--mod edit***
WTS Torivos Rage and Vetauras Harbinger 2 greens in envy weapon skin
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I got one, if you still need it.
Hey guys, I just dropped a purple crystaline in the sorrow, any Idea about a price for it?
max dmg q10 13%^ench zeal #1+1 hp 30 ::)pic is in