After nearly one year without GW...
At least max mods
Jugs are always nice
After nearly one year without GW...
At least max mods
Jugs are always nice
I sold a pair of q8 max 7-16 steel daggers a few months ago for around 100e but they were gold and to a collector.
Maybe someone likes them because Steel Daggers have different Skins in blue, purple & gold 🤔
last bump
will be sold later today
PM me your IG Names
yesterday i thought i could do a lot more DoA the next weeks and today...
Last bump, if no one is interested
Yes farm´d some eggs & bunnys.
PC pls
Q8 Falchion 15^50
****MOD EDIT--do NOT add items to a price check thread!!! READ the Xunlai Market rules on price check threads! THREAD CLOSED--MOD EDIT****
New Items added
last bump for this.
Dual Vamp will be sold in 24-48 hours.
10% discount for the rest of the celestials.
Opened some Z-Chests today... Q9 Voltaic Spear