Posts by Invokeur
bump ! added r/b and b/o
bump ! will add r/b and b/o probably tomorrow
idk if people still like it, let's see where it goes
r/b 400a
b/o 600a
will sell 1 day after last offer once r/b is reached
20a earth forbidden
15a earth forbidden
12a earth forbidden
earth forbidden 10a
earth forbidden 5a
Was trying out some solo urgoz today and this happened.
Certainly didn't expect this when I got there haha
If you use a shield handle on a white shield, it becomes blue and not inscribable. 58g is roughly what it's worth
60e dragoncrest
its cousin of the disappointment family says hi
so close yet so far
Bronze +45 +10 earth 5a
30e dragoncrest
Sb earth ghostly
jade daggers 7a
180a plat
Yes, these drop (at least) from dungeon end chests, i think it's quite common in SoO
120a plat
Wondering what it's worth, pls don't tell me to sell and see